
Hey guys! Long time no update lol. I just wanted to let you all know that I am alive and well! I’m better than well actually. I haven’t been this “mentally-healthy” in the longest time. Atm i am on an indefinite hiatus (I’m sure you didn’t need an update to realize that). My plan is to finish “in the flesh?” eventually (there are only 3 more chapters I believe; I feel it only right to push through and finish it). As for Rocketship, I don’t know when I’ll return to it. I know this isn’t news you’ll like to hear, and I apologize. My priorities have shifted and so have my interests. I can’t force myself to write something I’m no longer inspired by. I hope you can all understand and forgive me. This isn’t goodbye, just a “see you later.”


@Islands_never_cry i'll wait! as a writer, i understand, so we will be here until u feel ready! kisses


Hey guys! Long time no update lol. I just wanted to let you all know that I am alive and well! I’m better than well actually. I haven’t been this “mentally-healthy” in the longest time. Atm i am on an indefinite hiatus (I’m sure you didn’t need an update to realize that). My plan is to finish “in the flesh?” eventually (there are only 3 more chapters I believe; I feel it only right to push through and finish it). As for Rocketship, I don’t know when I’ll return to it. I know this isn’t news you’ll like to hear, and I apologize. My priorities have shifted and so have my interests. I can’t force myself to write something I’m no longer inspired by. I hope you can all understand and forgive me. This isn’t goodbye, just a “see you later.”


@Islands_never_cry i'll wait! as a writer, i understand, so we will be here until u feel ready! kisses


Hey how is everything? Hope all is well.  Jonesing for updates to you’re stories.. hope your doing well


Everything is fine! Thanks for checking in. I’ll be writing today, so hopefully I’ll have an update for something soon. 


Hey there.  Hope all is still going great for you.  Just wanted to leave a message that you’re a great writer and I don’t want to push you but I’m jonesing for updates to your stories.  


I will be working on some in the flesh? updates this week, so stayed tuned! 


Okay okay okay… this is a long overdue check in and I apologize for being so MIA lately. 
          The truth is that I’ve had some writers block with Rocketship (but on the bright side I have a new plan for it). 
          Over the last month and a half, I started a new antidepressant that I had to adjust to, I was studying for my nursing licensure exam (I took it and a passed btw!!) and I fell into a new fandom that just sucked all my creativity lol. 
          I hope you are all doing alright. I’m doing fine! I promise I’ll catch up on my reading at some point! And I’m not done writing these stories!!! I love Rocketship so much and I’m so close to wrapping up in the flesh? 
          Thank you all for your patience! There’s more coming! Stay tuned! 


@Islands_never_cry First congrats on passing your exam, that's great! And it's understandable to get writer's block on longer chaptered stories. But I won't lie and hope to see some writing those stories, lol. I'm needy and greedy.


@Islands_never_cry take all the time you need my friend.