@Isle-Of-The-Lost hey will you be making more of the enoch/miss peregrine's home for peculiar children fanfics/sequel to strange worlds, I loved it so much oml.
Hi , I'm knew to your account and I really like the concepts of your works. I was wanting to ask in your marvel works, do I read Rigel's book first or Antares' book first? Or does it not matter?
I am! I’m really sorry, I’ve just recently gotten a new full time job and have started uni back up again so I’m pretty busy atm. But I am slowly working on the next chapter.
@Isle-Of-The-Lost hey will you be making more of the enoch/miss peregrine's home for peculiar children fanfics/sequel to strange worlds, I loved it so much oml.
Okay I love Warrior SO much! It’s amazing! I was wondering if you would be interested in checking out my story Ready or Not. It’s a Jurassic World fic as well. Please and thank you! :)