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@xPrayingForLightx oh my god, that's so cool! And I did have fun, thank yoiu :) It was pretty much perfection at the gig I went to too! It was the last one on the tour and they, Drama Club and FVK did some really cool stuff (Attila were horrendous though; I went to sit down during their set haha), except for when Andy's mic cut out. It was really funny though because it didn't really matter given the crowd was singing it for him while he just stood on stage and laughed about it! And yeah, drama does suck but what is this boyfriend i am hearing of? ;) Good for you! Unfortunately, I have yet to attract any attention from the male gender, but that's probably because all the guys i encounter are either really dumb and/or scared of me because i tend to be quite scathing according to my friends, or too old! I'll just have to sit here and pine after band members and fictional characters for a bit longer, haha!