Skycraper’s pride Chapter 15 -
Those walls, I used to be contented just being behind those hidden walls. I never thought that maybe somewhere out there, someone might actually try and cross those boundaries. I never let my hopes up thinking that it won't be worth it. But he made me realized how wrong I was. He built up all his courage and decided to break those unseen boundaries that were keeping me away from everyone else.
Skycraper’s pride Chapter 15 -
Those walls, I used to be contented just being behind those hidden walls. I never thought that maybe somewhere out there, someone might actually try and cross those boundaries. I never let my hopes up thinking that it won't be worth it. But he made me realized how wrong I was. He built up all his courage and decided to break those unseen boundaries that were keeping me away from everyone else.
Skycraper’s pride Chapter 12 -
"Can I hear it again?" I face him. He was just staring at me, listening. "What you feel for me, I mean," I said in a low voice.
Hi! I just wanna share my story. Hope you read it 'cause I'll be glad if you do. Don't worry, I'll do the same.
Title:Crazily into him
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