
I created a separate account for HM since the series is quite a long one with a of side stories. Also, it's up now, so here you go;
          	It has truly changed a lot and the lore is more grounded now. I hope you all enjoy. 
          	(Warning; this story is best read on desktop mode or on a laptop. Sorry for the inconvenience.)


Not me making a new Christmas story where the main character is a reindeer elf with memory problems-
          Oh. Wait- 
          I didn't mention that?
          Well, for those whose interest I have peaked, this is the story; 

          It's a queer (kind of gay) story with romance not as its main plotline, more like a secondary plot. It's essential to the main though. 
          Join Newt as he goes on a journey of finding out who he really is and who he once was! 
          And Merry Christmas everyone! 


Hello, readers and the little few Mune Spirits that have read my book! I‘m here to announce that Her Mune (my LGBTQ+ medival-fantasy book) is completed at last! For those who want to read it, the link will be down below!
          Now, this book will be taken down as of next year, so feedback would be greatly appreciated. I‘ll also be announcing this in my books to, so apologies for the double up (or triple up) of announcements. QwQ


Hollo, StrawberrySailors and Agonyfeeders! 
          I know I have spoke about this before, (and I am currently working on the third book of this series), but HER MUNE is my main focus at the moment. So far, it has Ten Chapters (soon to be Eleven in four days) and I was wondering if any of you want to read it. 
          It's an LGBTQ+ medieval-fantasy with a dark twist, and I would love feedback on this original story before I take it down to release next year. I will be uploading a chapter every month on a full moon (my timezone), except for the the EPILOGUE which will be uploaded in December along with the last Chapter. 
          If I have made any mistakes, or it's incapable of understand, please tell me - help is greatly appreciated. I also have made some animations for it, (link is on other account with the book.) 
          Now, without any further ado, here is the book!

          I made the temporary cover myself, lol
          Also, if you haven't already, join my discord if you want! I have one for PROMPT-BASED stories and one for FAN-FICTION. 
          (I also have one for my original stories like HER MUNE, but that is still a work in progress, so I have it on PROMPT-BASED one instead.)
          (If those don't work, then I also have the links in my bio)
          Thank you for ready and bye for now my AgonyFeeders and StrawberrySailors!


I know I'm late but happy pride month y'all TwT


            It’s alright. Happy Pride month, Satan’s Pan. I hope you have a lovely day!




@IstoriaWrites Happy pride ️‍️‍⚧️


Hello, loves!! Apologies for making mg another announcement ement, but I would like announce that finally finished rewriting H3R MUN3!!
          I’m going to be releasing Chapter Five on January the 17th, but I was wondering if you wanted to read it. I know, I’ve announce this story tome and time again, and most of you are still waiting for another Jealousy Chapter, however, no one is really truth and daring the characters and I can’t keep waiting forever. 
          If any of you just want to stay for my KiriDeku book or Afton Family Fanfic, then I don't mind at all! I will love you all either way! OwO
          I hope some of you will give Her Mune a chance, (it’s been rewritten and updated so that it’ll be more interesting).

          This story, although a story about a lesbian, won’t have much romance as much as plot and storyline. It’ll be a 4 Part book series with different characters as the main focus, but will all tie in together! There is an overall theme as you read through the books, and for the sake of the book’s title, I’ll be releasing each Chapter on a Full Moon, assuming I’ll have the Chapters done by then. If anyone wants to read, please do so, and ENJOY!! OwO
          I’ll also continue working on the Afton Family Reunion book as well as an original story I hoped to actually publish and sell. As for the KiriDeku book, it’ll continue to be put on Hold until I can motivate myself to redo the Truth and Dare entry Chapter.
          Thank you for reading!! Bai! <3


Hollo, Strawberry Sailors and Agony Feeders!! I decided to make separate Discord Servers for my Fanfic Readers and Prompt-Based Story Readers!! If you’re interested, I would love to talk with you all more, (and hear your theories as well.)
          There will be announcements and events held on there, as well as more chance for me to receive constructive criticism and talk with you more frequently! I still want to complete Jealousy [KiRiDeKu], I'm not giving up on that, and I also want to at least complete one book next year, lmao. 
          But most of all, I want to talk with you all and hear your opinions! You have all helped me so much, so I really do wish to get to know my readers more. TwT
          I should stop blabbering, and give you readers the links now. ;w;


          Thank you for joining if you did. I hope to interact with you all as much as I can!
          This is ιστορια, writing off.