
Guys. I graduated high school on Thursday. I got my diploma and I'm done. Woah. It still hasnt processed yet. I just- wow. I can't even register in my brain that that's it. High school is over for me. Damn. 


lucky you
          	  i still got three years lol


Okay so I just watched the newest episode of supernatural... Dean called Cas "A.V. Club" THEREFORE I gotta have some AVClub!Castiel in my life and probably with a Jock!Dean since that was in their conversation as well.... 


this message may be offensive
You want some web comics? Well sign up using my code and we can get some fabulous coins my dudes. Honestly it's a pretty damn good app, tho it could never replace wattpad cause Wattpad will forever have a special place in my heart❤. So go sign up and read the shit outta some comics.
          P.S. - Please I need the coins
          ~Ya girl Nicki 
          Have you ever used WebComics to read comics for free? I think it's interesting! Tap and get Coins after entering my invite code: ^ZADXKP^. You can also copy this text by long-press.


Wattpad rebranded?? New logo, new designs, new colors??  What?


They did for me... it's still a w but its "more organic" the font changed, and the color is a brighter orange along with less orange on the actual app... they have a tab available to explain it, but umm yeah they rebranded apparently


Guys are you ever so stressed out it actually hurts? Like I have actual physical pain because of it and it is the absolute worst, especially when the people surrounding you arent helping but instead are just making it much worse.
          ~Nicki ;p 


Your pfp gives me life


@NickiG3 I find it frickin hilarious tbh


@Lee_Willow eyyy thank you!! It normally scares people XD