
Thank you guys so so so so much for 1k reads!
          	Have a slight block but chapter 28 is in the works and should be expected soon! Keep an eye out and I hope u guys will enjoy it.


          Big moves! And from now on the chapters are actually recent - I wrote the newest chapter the middle of last month and the rest, besides promposal, were written or heavily edited either 2021 ORR around March this year. All the rest from here on are very recent and in my opinion miles better and SO much longer.
          I’m also basically at the goal of my plans except I connected some ideas so I’m not at my 27 chapter goal. I’m planning on adding real plot and making it 30+ possibly even 40 chapters long as I’m now realising the plot is literally just them bothering each other till they’re in love? 
          Side characters don’t exist ig, so yeah maybe angst maybe not. You’ll find out!!
          On another note, I just found my unaliving note in my old msgs  OH! I was brutal and tbh don’t feel bad about it.


I’m rewriting the first few chapters of Stuck With You!
          There shouldn’t be big differences because the plot is staying the same but certain details will be added or removed. Watch out for a “Rewritten” at the start of the chapter to know if it’s edited or not.
          The main reason I’m rewriting it is because I started this thing at 16 and I’m simply not proud of my writing skills, or lack thereof, at that time and shitty character building.
          Once I’m pleased with SWU I will be POSSIBLY writing an original story to develop my skills without the stress of the characters being accurate to someone else’s work. 
          Thanks for sticking with me (:


I liedddd! It suddenly gained popularity so I just lightly edited 


Catra and Adora are finally official in my drafts! It took several chapters where only 1 has less than 1000 words, multiple 1500+ chapters and a 2000+ chapter   
          I’m not even done with the chapter either which is over 800 words (aiming for 1200) which was actually going to be a part of the chapter before it but I hit 3000 words and immediately split it into 2 chapters.


The chapter after it is ALSO exactly 1500 words I’m so cool


Clocked in at 1500 words! Very exciting 


The feel when I have more drafts (full chapters too) than posted chapters 


@Sloppy_french_fry I’m very goofily drafting an arcane influencer au as well like I do NOT need that when catra and adora aren’t even official yet ommggg


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I'm actually so shockingly happy right now
          Like the past 2 years my mental health has been so incredibly shit for so many reasons and recently (past few months) I've gained A FEW more reasons yet somehow ignoring it has helped???
          And just hanging out with my mum, cleaning the house, going out shopping, painting my nails a Christmassy colour, making fucking DELICIOUS ASS COOKIES MY FIRST TIME EVER MAKING COOKIES, I'm making BROWNIES sometime this week or next week, probably will be making my sister a birthday cake even if its box mix.
          And I'm happy?? After losing the last person that willingly spoke to me (toxic ass ex so it's good that she's gone but now I literally don't have a single friend or anyone to talk to) I'm happy? Like I'm sat down watching the walking dead for the first time with a warm cookie and cold glass of milk and I'm about to cry from happiness.
          I'm also making my mum buy actually good cooking supplies (would u believe we didn't have a whisk or sillecone spatula??? AND SO MANY DULL KNIVES OMG HOW IS SHE EXPECTING ME TO BE HER SOUS CHEF THIS CHRISTMAS IF I CANT CHOP SHIT UP)


I am a boy btw, I just enjoy painting my nails (its pretty and it stops me from biting them) and cleaning ("enjoy" is a stretch but its relaxing)


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 Also this is the first time me and my mum have ever actually gotten on and turns out we cook well together, she hates chopping and loves the actual cooking, I hate the actual cooking (so much wait time) and love chopping (not with dull shit lmao) so hopefully she won't be pissing herself crying this Christmas making the dinner since I'm accepting adulthood and cooking


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Been helping my mum rearrange the whole ass house the past few days, I have multiple bruises (TERRIBLE) one on my shin) and now the skin is coming off my fingers coz of bleach and a little cut on my knuckle is very irritated now. And we're yet to do the bad shit  
          We've only done the living room so far and we're probably only halfway done with it because we need to get all this mold off one wall(its like a hundred year old house so its keeping too much moisture) and THEN repaint it and probably so much more because our fridge just broke.
          SEND HELP


I feel sorry for u bro... just thinking about allat makes me wanna kms, bless ur patience and may god guide u to a better place


@Sloppy_french_fry THE MEASURINGGGGGGGG and tHEN we lost the fuckin tape measure right as we had to measure the area where we're putting a new fridge 