@Call_Me_Sly awwwww!! Sandy! my love and one of my best friends. I can't believe it's been so long since I met you on the camp threads. It feels like it should've been longer than that. You honestly made this such a good year for me, from NaNo to seeing after school, and I don't know what I would do without you. Meeting people you know online can be weird, but I've always loved it that we immediately knew to hug each other that day in the library because we were so comfortable with each other. At first you were just that random girl who coincidentally lives in the same city as me, but now that we know that we go to the same school too, I kinda like to think it was fate. Everyone probably thinks we're crazy people when we wildly hug-attack each other in the hallways, but I don't care. I'm just sad you're two grades ahead of me! and no matter what happens, you will always be thread mama! I went through a lot of stuff over the summer (I don't think I ever told you), including moving across the city and away from all of my friends, but you were online, and so I never lost you. So yes, you made my year special too!
(I hope you know this is all just code for in going to give got a massive jiggle next time I see you! :D)