
Hello to all! 
          	I know many have been waiting and very long time for the next chapter of "Smoldering Embers" it is finally out now! I hope you guys enjoy. And please do tell me your thoughts if you're comfortable doing so. 
          	The next chapters of "Two Leaf Fires" and "Primal Scars" -for those who are waiting, will hopefully be published by this time next week -i can't guarantee that however. 
          	And to everyone waiting for the rework of "The Brightfield of The Scarecrow" i promise it is coming- but I cannot say when yet, probably in March sadly. I have a lot of rereading and reorganizing to do before I can properly work on it. 
          	Happy reading! 


Hello to all! 
          I know many have been waiting and very long time for the next chapter of "Smoldering Embers" it is finally out now! I hope you guys enjoy. And please do tell me your thoughts if you're comfortable doing so. 
          The next chapters of "Two Leaf Fires" and "Primal Scars" -for those who are waiting, will hopefully be published by this time next week -i can't guarantee that however. 
          And to everyone waiting for the rework of "The Brightfield of The Scarecrow" i promise it is coming- but I cannot say when yet, probably in March sadly. I have a lot of rereading and reorganizing to do before I can properly work on it. 
          Happy reading! 


Hello everyone, I'm back! 
          For those of you who don't know I took a self-help break at the end of Novemeber after a painful break up. I'm not over it yet, but I will be updating again soon. The fics I plan on updating soon are:
          • Two Leaf Fires
          • Smoldering Embers
          • Primal Scars
          • (And if I can get my thumb out my ass) The Brightfield of The Scarecrow (Remake) 
          I don't have entire chapters of any of them written, but they are coming, so expect -the first three, this month! 
          Happy new year all.  


@Itachi_S_Lucius welcome back(づ ̄3 ̄)づ❤️


@Itachi_S_Lucius welcome backkk!! I know that’s not easy to go through but I can only hope the process gets easier for you.


Just a note, I will either be writing a bunch soon, or very very little. My girlfriend of 2 years just broke up with me two days ago, and I was planning on proposing in two months. To say I'm a wreck is an understatement. 


I’m Sorry to hear that, but I hope u keep on writing and breaks when u need to.


Hiiiii everyone. So, don't suppose any of you guys would be willing to play Smite with me on PS5?  I'm not the bestest player, still a bit of an armature. Though not a rookie. 


Hihi. Me again. Being desperate. Anyone wanna be friends? ;-;  I'm laughing at my own disparity. Might as well right? I mean it can be fun, in its own way. Not certain how, but almost everything has an up side, well no that's not true. Everything has an upside because that's how basic balance is formed in the universe. Anyway. Anyone wanna be friends? 
          My username is: itachi_s_lucius on discord. 
          Anyway lots of love to you all. 


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
Okay, I'm not trying to sound like a whiny bitch here. But I'm gonna anyway so hold your horses and cuddle them close. 
          I work really fucking hard on my fics okay?! I'm sure many many authors feel this way. But you work on something for so long, you do research you stay up late, you edit, you rewrite. And look I'm not saying it's not satisfying to post a chapter when it's done and just say "ah finally I got that one up." 
          But sometimes. Some fucking times you just get so fed up. You work so hard, so hard, and then it feels like all your effort gets ignored. It really does make you want to give up, to just stop, to say "what's the fucking point!" And yeah I write for my own enjoyment, but I also write for others to have enjoyment, and to feel validated. 
          So yes I'm selfish, I don't care, I'm allowed to be selfish and want to have that feeling of accomplishment that people like my hard work and that it's not all WASTED. Because a hell of a lot of times that's how I feel. And I'm sure that's how many other writers feel too. 
          I needed to rant sorry. 
          End rant.


@Itachi_S_Lucius nah it's okay. You shouldn't blame yourself. I know you didn't mean it that way. But! You did a pretty good job on your books. I love them so much!
            You deserve all the  praise. I feel really bad for you about the ignorance of some readers, you know.
            So you can do whatever you want! 
            If you want to continue writing, I'll read them, if you want to complain then I'll listen. 
            But if you want to delete your books, tell me first okay? Let's me download them first. I love them so much after all.  Well, I am kidding, don't take it seriously. 
            I've got a good sleep, so I felt quite a bit  high today.
            Oh god I'm about to rambling again! Well then author san, keep up the good work and cheer up okay? 


@PrapapinChaiyaporn  Please don't think of it that way. I'm not angry at readers, just in general. It's not focused, and I blame no one but myself for my feelings. 


this message may be offensive
@Itachi_S_Lucius well, I'm not a writer so, I don't really understand what's that feel like but i kinda understand your point here.
            'What's the point in doing this, if nobody  care to even left a fucking comment! right?
            So as a reader, i'm so sorry for making you feel neglected and unwanted like this. I have many excuses to say but I won't, it's our shitty readers fault anyway.
            I'm really sorry again. Please be angry at us all you want.