este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
Okay, I'm not trying to sound like a whiny bitch here. But I'm gonna anyway so hold your horses and cuddle them close.
I work really fucking hard on my fics okay?! I'm sure many many authors feel this way. But you work on something for so long, you do research you stay up late, you edit, you rewrite. And look I'm not saying it's not satisfying to post a chapter when it's done and just say "ah finally I got that one up."
But sometimes. Some fucking times you just get so fed up. You work so hard, so hard, and then it feels like all your effort gets ignored. It really does make you want to give up, to just stop, to say "what's the fucking point!" And yeah I write for my own enjoyment, but I also write for others to have enjoyment, and to feel validated.
So yes I'm selfish, I don't care, I'm allowed to be selfish and want to have that feeling of accomplishment that people like my hard work and that it's not all WASTED. Because a hell of a lot of times that's how I feel. And I'm sure that's how many other writers feel too.
I needed to rant sorry.
End rant.