Hoi, my peep! I heard you needed to make a story! So, if you need any ideas, think what you really enjoy. You can use your favorite characters to make up the story, too, but make sure you make them in character, because no one likes it when they're off script!^^ but continuing, here are steps to make a story. DOWN THERE!!!
1: Make Your Characters
If you found something that you like and it doesn't include any characters, don't worry, just make your own character and you can put them into your story. Also, make sure you understand your character. If you don't, then your readers won't be able to understand them, too. It would take a miracle for your readers to understand your characters.
2: Find/Make A Setting
It can be any kind of setting. It could be in the forest, your house, the past of the mountains (if you understand what I said there), or even a made-up school. As long as it goes with your story, it's good. I'm kidding. It doesn't have to go with your story. As long as the story is as amazing as you possibly can, you're good.