
Can someone recommend WWII era gerita books? 
          	Yes, I’ve already read Auf Weidersehen, Sweatheart. 
          	Don’t break my heart and recommend it I cried for days.
          	But literally anything


/ Is it just me or does literally everything get stuck in braces? I just wanted some god damn lettuce 


@-sleepyface- HA SAME but I just will not eat peas


@Italy_Veneziano I’m meant to be a good roll model for my baby cousin 


@-sleepyface- peas are nasty tho ..?


My sister is now dealing with trauma and can’t brush her teeth without crying because the taste of the vodka is pinned in her brain and any strong flavor makes her throwup or cry. 


@XThat_One_LoserX she don’t like to drink and I assure you she won’t be lol  


@1-800-ITALY Aww welp don't let her drink again


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If I decided to call the police right now my brother would go to prison for Grand theft, underage drinking, driving without a liscense, and destruction of public property. 
          My sister would go to jail for underage drinking and so would another girl her age and a boy my age. 
          My brother is moving in with his dad and we are putting my sister to hard work.
          They are in deep shit right now


I knew I was missing something! My brother would also go down for Drinking and Driving!


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Vent/ I’m making a joke bc I’m really scared!
          Currently it is 4 am, my brother stole my moms car, my mom and dad are screaming because he’s only 15 and just got his permit (and he stole her car!!) My sister and her friend are drunk off their asses, my sister threw up all over herself and her hair and is currently sleeping on the bathroom floor in the basement. A few slaps and more screaming later, ooooooOoOo my sister woke up and is now crying lmfao. Probably getting yelled at. I’m just trying to sleep because it’s four am. Holy shit my family is way to dysfunctional. 
          ALSO ITS STORMING OUTSIDE! NOT ONLY DID MY BROTHER STEAL MY MOMS CARE AS A NEW DRIVER, BUT IT IS STORMING!!! He seriously could have killed himself. And mind you, my mom has a Lexus sports car. A 50,000 dollar car that my brother stole that could’ve crashed into a tree, totaled the car and killed my brother. (I mean I hate the guy but I don’t wish him death)
          My brother, my sister, and her friend are all fifteen. Chase is my brother friend that was supposed to stay over for the weekend he is my age, so 14. 
          And my sister! I never thought that she would or could ever do this, she is my most trusted friend and family member and she is supposed to be the good one! 
          Thankfullly, my older brother of 17, slept the whole time. (He’s almost 18). He’s actually more responsible than I thought, I mean yeah, my parents found a bottle of vodka in his backpack, but all in all he’s not the worst.
          The worst child has to go to my bro and sis (15) for being the dynamic twin duo. 
          And of course, I’m not only the youngest but I still keep my title as the favorite because I’m the smartest :) (not in books tho) :)
          I hope I brought laughter to your morning with stories of my messed up family


@1-800-ITALY This sounds so very chaotic! I'm sorry you had to deal with the stress and worry, but after reading this I honestly don't know what else to say except that I'm sorry you had to be put in this situation.


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