
@snickers1155  thank you. And I don't think that's weird I would do the same thing!! Lol 


@ThAtCaLiGiRl13 awww thanks!!! I'm so glad that I made your day a tiny but happier!! Thanks so much for thinking of checking out my book I alwyas do this little happy dance when I get new readers(yes I am that lame don't judge)!! You seem really nice and sweet!! I can't wait till ur book is published!!! Xoxo-k


@ThAtCaLiGiRl13  no problem chica!! I can't wait to read your story!! Message me when it's done so I can read it!! Don't worry I'm not a ghost reader I'll vote and  comment!! Also haha stay beautiful too I'm so glad I could brighten your day lol even tho I did was follow u:) you seem awesome!! Check out my story If u want:) xoxo-kat