
@buyapplauseonitunes Im here again!


I just purchased ARTPOP and lemme tell you I just had the greatest eargasm of my life!!!
          Anyway...Since Im in a good mood Im like gonna update a little bit earlier so instead of sunday its gonna be on thursday...
          I may update it sooner if... I dont know I get like what more votes... reads and fans...
          Anyway love ya!!!


@qwertyphillip hey bro! Whoever said those things to you are just jealous. It may be a cliché for a reason. And maybe they're just bored with their lives...or maybe that's their life, letting someone feel bad -- if they don't do that their lives would be boringgg. C'mon bro, cheer up! Don't let those people get into your nerves.


this message may be offensive
Is it me or the number of my readers going down as the story goes on? Wow that really makes me sad. T-T please excuse me while I weep... And also for the people that wont stop messaging saying my story is fucked up or its ugly or whatever fuck you!!! I just wanted to share some of my ideas I jusr want to something right!!! My grandma was a writer she said that writing was a powerful ability and that it was a gift she says that in writing you can affect people you can help them... I want to be like her an inspiration to her readers but if this is what I get for trying... Goodbye and thank you


I cant wait for monday and #Venus to be released. Thanks to my readers and I guess the book will be a lil longer than 20. Oh and one more thing do ya wanna be in the book or something? feel free to leave a message and ill see what i can do.
          J over and out!