
So not gonna lie, I’ve been feeling the fanfic vibe lately again. I blame it on my best friend entirely. BUT - like how would y’all feel about a MHA villains fanfic? Like Dabi, Shiggy, Hawks, some OCs..
          	IM JUST SAYING. I’m kinda feeling it. So… we’ll see  
          	I love you all forever. - Kai


So not gonna lie, I’ve been feeling the fanfic vibe lately again. I blame it on my best friend entirely. BUT - like how would y’all feel about a MHA villains fanfic? Like Dabi, Shiggy, Hawks, some OCs..
          IM JUST SAYING. I’m kinda feeling it. So… we’ll see  
          I love you all forever. - Kai


OKAY so I did forget to post yesterday but Y'ALL I finally posted the rest and FDL 2 is COMPLETE. Donezo. The second installment is finished and oof was it a passion project. 
          I sincerely hope you guys enjoyed BOTH books or even just one lol I love you guys so so so SO much. Please don't forget to leave comments on what you liked, what left you shook, what you thought was trash and just literally anything. Also, don't forget to check out the twin sister Shiori's story in FDL from her perspective by Shinsosgorl on this app! 
          You guys are amazing. The best, the greatest, the GOATS of all GOATs. Sincerely and from the bottom of my heart, be kind to you. Show love to you. Hydrate. Eat well. And know that you are DESERVING. I adore you all.
          Sincerely, Kai <3


Y'all ever read something you wrote a long time ago and immediately realize how obvious it is you were going through something at the time? That is this WHOLE book.
          FDL 2 is now updated through to chapter 38 and you know, I really hope you guys find something that sparkles in this because I... sheesh. Anyway, I love you guys! 
          Don't forget to check out FDL's sister story, pun intended, by Shinsosgorl, and expect another update from me tomorrow. 
          Be bold, be kind, be fearlessly you. 
          <3 Kai


Chapter 33 is out for From Distant Lands 2 and y'all when I say I make MYSELF feel lonely? Sheesh. 
          Anyway, if you're reading - I love you more than life itself and I swear my fealty. Don't forget to check out Shinsosgorl and their chapters covering Shiori's side of the story! 
          In the meantime,  don't forget to eat, hydrate, and be kind to yourself. You deserve good things without having to earn them, and you deserve love exactly as you are. 
          Now excuse me while I pass out and wake up tomorrow to do it all over again, only more exhausted.
          I love you all IMMENSELY. New update tomorrow evening PST. We're getting close to the end guys <3


FDL 2 has been updated up through Chapter 24! Am I the devil for stopping there tonight? Yes. Do I also kinda relish in the fact that it's a cliff hanger until tomorrow? Also yes.
          If you're somehow still reading this... literally what did I ever do to deserve you? you are literal sunlight and stardust and all that is good in the world. I love you, you matter, and never change for ANYONE. 
          Peace out, scouts <3 new update tomorrow night-ish PST.


Hey friends, so in part, my chapter dump was also influenced by the inspo behind Shiori who is also writing Shiori’s story! 
          IN SHORT this means, if you wanna check out Shiori’s story with Shinsou, you can check out chapter one already published on her page at Shinsosgorl !
          More FDL 2 content coming your way tonight alsooooo 
          Love you guys <3


Have I come back just to chapter dump the rest of FDL 2 after nearly three years of radio silence? Yes. 
          Was it because I was reading comments and felt bad about not dropping when I said I would? Also yes.
          15 chapters are now out with a guarantee of 41 total so far that have already been written and just sitting in my drafts since 2021. This is for anyone who has been waiting for this story, anyone who dared to love it, and all you lovelies who gave me something to live for in that horrible horrible season of my life.
          I love you all <3


You are too kind <3 thank you for the support!


@ItoKaiLotus  <3 you're the best writer in the world


Hey guys, I know I haven’t posted in a while. Due to my cross country move and some pretty intense bouts of depression, I haven’t been on much at all, so here’s the plan.
          I’m gonna do a chapter dump on From Distant Lands 2. This basically means I’m going to proofread the chapters I have left and give you guys the entirety of the last book in its current form. I was going to edit as I went, but I’ve been so busy and I’ve had so much going on, I just want there to be material for you guys. So tonight will be the beginning of the chapter dump. I’ll do as many as I can and post and just keep going each day until you guys get to the finale. This is gonna be the rawest form of this story and I sincerely hope you enjoy it from the bottom of my heart. I love you guys and I love this story so much. I don’t know if I’ll have more to add for another sequel or a spin off, but I hope this brings you guys as much joy as it did me when I was writing it ❤️
          I’m so sorry for the delay guys. Please remember that you are loved, you are worth it, you deserve kindness and don’t forget to take care of yourself. Love always
          Ito Kai


Okay everyone! I know it's been a long time since I posted, but I did just move across the country, so I've been a bit preoccupied, that being said -- I'm finally moved in! Things should start to pick up a bit more soon and I promise to have something posted soon too! I know I've been keeping a lot of people waiting and I'm so sorry for that but I am endlessly grateful for all of you and your support. You have NO idea how much it means to me. I love you all!! <3 <3
          xx Kai


@ItoKaiLotus.  Im so glad that u are ok 


Chapter Three has been posted and I've got feelings.
          Anyway guys, thank you so much for reading and I really hope you like it! I know I've been really absent lately, but I should have a better schedule soon! I'll be moving across the country in just a couple weeks, so things will be a little hectic, but once I get settled, I'll be back at it and better than ever!! 
          Thank you guys SO much for the support, the love, the reads, and the kind words. You all have been nothing short of amazing and I love you tons. Please feel free to comment or message on any of my stuff or this post or literally anything. I love interacting with you guys and I want you to know that I am present and more content is coming. I love you all!! 
          As always, love yourself, HYDRATE, take care of yourself, and BE KIND TO YOU. I will adopt you if I have to.
          <3 Kai.