Yo, Luke's story, Sticky Situation, is up! It is the 4th installment of my short series, The A Reports. I apologize for two things, and make up for them at the same time. 1, the story was suppose to be posted way back in March, but since it was so late, I made the first Chapter longer than Mr. B's ENTIRE story. 2, I was really sick when I wrote the first part of the story way back when, so up to a certain part I was heavily doped on medicine for a terrible cold and sinus infection, but the parts I wrote while drugged are personally really funny. You should have seen the notes I had for the story, it was insane. Anyways, I am rethinking the A Note chapter for Sticky Situation, because I ended the story differently than I planned, but it should be done soon. I have Pride Fest this weekend, so I wont be posting anything. As always, thank you for all your support. Love all of you xx