@Soap_was_here it was a muse scam, someone from tumblr messaged me and said they wanted me to draw a picture of a dog for her daughter’s birthday, they provided references and walked me through what they wanted. When they asked for a price, I told them it would be around $50, they asked if they could send 200. Alarm bells instantly going off, but I just had to confirm it was indeed a scammer, so I asked how they’d like to send the money, since on my commissions sheet it said 50/50 after sketch and after getting the final artwork, or 100% after sketch approval. They said they were very busy so they wanted me to send the money immediately and asked for my email account to send the money over to my paypal. Scammers usually ask this so they can later reverse the transaction and get their money back because they either “sent too much” or “your account isn’t a business account so the transaction didn’t go through because of the price” even though you can send up to 10k on personal accounts. I sent a gif of a crying Indian guy and said “you rn” when they started throwing a tantrum because I called them out