Why are English names so confusing?????
Why can’t Neveah be a boys name? or why is Alex a girls name? (My English teacher says it can’t be boys, but I have met with a male character in book named Alex) and many more examples, those are just recent.
Well it’s confusing. (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
Where I live there’s a ‘rule’ if your name ends with an “a” it’s a girls name if not it isn’t.
And according to Google there are like 10 boys names ending with an “a” but those names were used like before Jesus was born idk like wtf is ‘Bogowidza’ or ‘Barnaba’ or f***ing ‘Bonawentura’ it’s hard to pronounce and write even for ma a native speaker.
Coming back. Why are English names so confusing!!!!!!!!!Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
Thank you for wasting your time on reading my confusion?? (Does this sentence even make sense? or the ones I wrote earlier?)
I should go to sleep.