
Hello all,
          	I have decided to unpublish all my works from Wattpad in light of some recent happenings. 
          	Firstly, with the rise of Artificial Intelligence such as ChatGPT, as many of you may know, fanfiction websites are being included in internet scrapes, and therefore fan content is being put into the AI. 
          	Secondly, my works have been uploaded to websites such as and Neobook without my consent, which is another big issue us creators have to deal with. I am not a user of those sites; never have been, never will be. They are built on thievery and vile tactics.
          	Therefore, for my privacy and for the safety of my writing, I will no longer be uploading works to Wattpad. All my stories will be removed from the website, in hopes that no more of my works will be taken without permission. I don’t know how to take down my things from the pirated websites, and definitely cannot remove them from AI databases once they’re in, so this is all I can do right now.
          	But, I won’t be leaving fanfiction sites completely. This month I plan to make a complete migration to Archive Of Our Own. From now on I will post exclusively on AO3, as they have better protections under their Terms of Service, as well as a privacy setting so that your works can only be viewed by AO3 users and are unavailable to the general public (so unable to get taken by AI or malware sites). So, if you wish to continue reading my works, they will be available on AO3 sometime in the near future.
          	I’m sorry if this is an inconvenience to anyone who may have been reading my works on here, but this is necessary for my personal feelings of safety and security for my fanfictions.
          	Thank you all for understanding, and I wish you all the best. 
          	— ItsHollyDiv


Hello all,
          I have decided to unpublish all my works from Wattpad in light of some recent happenings. 
          Firstly, with the rise of Artificial Intelligence such as ChatGPT, as many of you may know, fanfiction websites are being included in internet scrapes, and therefore fan content is being put into the AI. 
          Secondly, my works have been uploaded to websites such as and Neobook without my consent, which is another big issue us creators have to deal with. I am not a user of those sites; never have been, never will be. They are built on thievery and vile tactics.
          Therefore, for my privacy and for the safety of my writing, I will no longer be uploading works to Wattpad. All my stories will be removed from the website, in hopes that no more of my works will be taken without permission. I don’t know how to take down my things from the pirated websites, and definitely cannot remove them from AI databases once they’re in, so this is all I can do right now.
          But, I won’t be leaving fanfiction sites completely. This month I plan to make a complete migration to Archive Of Our Own. From now on I will post exclusively on AO3, as they have better protections under their Terms of Service, as well as a privacy setting so that your works can only be viewed by AO3 users and are unavailable to the general public (so unable to get taken by AI or malware sites). So, if you wish to continue reading my works, they will be available on AO3 sometime in the near future.
          I’m sorry if this is an inconvenience to anyone who may have been reading my works on here, but this is necessary for my personal feelings of safety and security for my fanfictions.
          Thank you all for understanding, and I wish you all the best. 
          — ItsHollyDiv


Hello all! I am back from my summer hiatus and getting back into the swing of things again! It's been almost a year now since I started Aeonian Summer; hard to believe! I will be making some edits while the next few chapters are in production, and hopefully I will be back to uploading chapters soon! I apologize for my constantly editing already published chapters; the story is a bit all over the place and I've been trying to clean things up now that I have an actual plotline to follow. Anyways, hope everyone is doing well, and happy reading!     -ItsHollyDiv


It has come to my attention that my fanfiction has been posted on without my consent. I do not write or post works on any fanfiction website except Wattpad. If anybody finds my story “Aeonian Summer [Gravity Falls x OC]” on any website other than Wattpad, please inform me and report it so that it will hopefully be taken down; and if you want to support the story, please read it here on Wattpad. Thank you. 


Greetings, readers! I'm relieved to say that standardized tests are complete and my time is free again! But, I will be going on hiatus for a while; I'm burned out and have been unmotivated to work on my drafts lately, so I'm hoping to come back soon recharged and ready to roll again. But, I have been able to finally develop a set plot and write summarized drafts for Aeonian Summer, so yay!! By the way, thank you all so much for 389 reads!! I didn't expect my story to be all too crowd-attracting anyhow, but I'm glad to see some of you enjoy it enough to stick around for my irregular updating schedule! It makes my day whenever I see a notification for people voting for my fic. (@KittyKatFrisk seriously thank you sm) So, thank you all, and I'll be back after my hiatus with a new chapter of Aeonian Summer! Catch you later lovelies! <33 
                                                                                           - HollyDiv


Hello all! It’s that time of year again… school EOCs and final exams… :p
          So because of that, updates may be slower than usual for a while; but I do have chapter 16 of Aeonian Summer almost complete! Be looking out for it in the next few days. Hope everyone is doing well, and happy reading! 


Hey friends! Hope you’re all doing well. My Gravity Falls story, Aeonian Summer, will be undergoing some minor edits to fix plot holes and smooth out inconsistencies that have occurred during my plot development process. Thank you all for your patience, and I do hope you’ve been enjoying the story so far! <3
                                                  - ItsHollyDiv


Apologies for the impromptu hiatus! Aeonian Summer is back and right on track with a new chapter! Make sure to watch for chapters 10 and 11 in the future... they'll be a double upload! And, for all those fellow Death Note fans out there, I may just have a little treat in the works. That's right. Along with Aeonian Summer, I'll be working on my idea for a Death Note fanfiction! Though, you'll have to be patient; I plan to have the first chapters for it out early next year. Thank you for your patience, but rest assured that I'm back, I'm rested, and ready to write!