
this message may be offensive
the truth is one of these days he's gonna try to kill himself and he's gonna finally succeed and none of you fuckers will know because you were too busy sitting on your lazy asses being fucking couch potatoes that are too goddamn useless to respond to a fucking announcement. You're all gonna sit around wondering where you could ve gone wrong just like you all did when he was on his deathbed in december. 


          	  I cared about him too, I agree with you. But I think we shouldn't cause to much drama about this though, and just block and report and ignore ItsLuke05.


@ItsLuke05 says the one who constantly abused him. You weren't helping his case


It’s also funny you say this yet your ‘man’ is sitting in a hospital bed dying because he slit his wrists. Where were you when that happened????? 


@ItsLuke05 Go to therapy and actually apologize. Then we can talk 


@__Iamangel__ I want to make peace with you angel, go back to how we used to be


@ItsLuke05 Also if you were so interested in uniting the community you wouldn’t have blocked my number and discord and snap so now the only place I can contact you is here 


Du bist eine missgeburt


@s_q_u_i_d_g_a_m_e_s excuse me for not being bilingual ig


@ItsLuke05 that sounds like a skill issue


eres una perra psicóloga loca que no da una mierda por nadie más que por ti mismo y lo vio así que se fue y ahora quieres ser todo amigo ahora esa vour persona favorita se ha ido. bueno, tal vez si lo trataras mejor, él todavía estaría aquí. él se fue en febrero y todavía no se puede hacer hombre y admitir sus malas acciones. qué movimiento de coño


this message may be offensive
the truth is one of these days he's gonna try to kill himself and he's gonna finally succeed and none of you fuckers will know because you were too busy sitting on your lazy asses being fucking couch potatoes that are too goddamn useless to respond to a fucking announcement. You're all gonna sit around wondering where you could ve gone wrong just like you all did when he was on his deathbed in december. 


            I cared about him too, I agree with you. But I think we shouldn't cause to much drama about this though, and just block and report and ignore ItsLuke05.


@ItsLuke05 says the one who constantly abused him. You weren't helping his case


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all of you fuckers said it came up out of the blue when he tried to kill himself in december. It was all "oh no angel we had no fucking clue" when every single one of you hoes knew damn well. He gave you all signs for months on end and none of you bothered to listen. Why? Because nobody gives a rat's ass about the crazy bipolar kid until he actually had enough and slit his wrists. None of you gave a single fuck when he said he would do it. Hell he still gives signs to this day and none of you care enough to leave as much as a comment saying I'm here for you. He went into manic goddamn depression and told you all about it and not one of you gave a single fuck. But i guarantee if he woke up tomorrow and decided he's had enough and said he was killing himself again every one of you goddamn hypocrites would say "oh my god we had no idea! what a surprise!" you're all fake and annoying and don't give two shits about him and the fact that it took him
          shooting himself for you people to check on him for the first time in months is really fucking pathetic