Hey guys still getting messages on this account haha well i am inactive here so if u want to communicate just do on my other account
I am writing all my storys there
Hey guys still getting messages on this account haha well i am inactive here so if u want to communicate just do on my other account
I am writing all my storys there
Hey guys I will be posting on Friday instead cause I have so much work on Wednesday and Thursday I am sure I will be asleep as I will be really tired the whole day so therefore yes!!!❤️❤️❤️
OK guys sorry I am really sorry I don't post much but when I do there's a glitch where it's deleted but then I also have to concentrate on my study but I promise this Friday I will update all story of mines but thanks for the vote and love I love u from the bottom of my heart, u guys are my europhia ❤️❤️❤️
Guys if you want to ask any questions then please pm me on wattapad or go on my sc or Insta which is
HeyItsMehwish (my username for both accounts)
It will say on my Insta -kishmish<3
And on my sc it will be-meshiii