@canderloro Oh, thanks! I'll get to it if I get to it, but it probably won't happen til summer. I've got a lot of stuff going on so I haven't really been writing. I really appreciate you reading that story! Glad to see that it's still kicking despite being so old lol
DUDe not gonna lie but someone from the government idk who said aliens live where I live AWESOME WHAT??? ok anyways TY FOR 145 <3 Love you all :D I'll be writing more soon once everything is better at home
Hi hi! So a lot of shit is goin down in my family rn and that’s why I haven’t been able to write or really talk to anyone. I won’t go into detail but it’s 100% my mom being horrible IAJhsuDh so sorry to anyone who wanted to roleplay and I ended up ghosting i hope you understand and I’ll also be texting you apologies ISISS
UHMMMM 100 FOLLOWERS??? ACTUALLY??? THANK YOU HOLY CRAP!! I'm so honored that you all followed me. I actually feel seen right now. Thank you! All of you. You probably won't read this but if you do just know that I'm grateful.