
Hey guys, I'm not dead. I love y'all. 


As someone who is currently dealing with people in dark places, here is a message:
          -Call or text your friends and show them some love today. Even if they don't reply, it's worth it for them to know that you think about them. 
          -Don't harass them, but ask if you can help with anything. See if they've eaten, taken thier meds, drank some water. Encourage self care. 
          -Be patient if they are annoyed, angry, or depressed. Reassure them that thier feelings aren't stupid and remind them that they are human. Humans require reassurance. 
          -Be persistent. Even if they deny every positive thing you say, keep repeating it. It takes three hours to properly convince the brain of something. 
          And if you are in a dark place, this is a message for you: 
          I know things may seem bleak right now. However, I can promise that living through this is worth it. I used to be in a similar state based on my own experience. I promise this won't last forever. If you have no reason to keep going, do this for me. 
          Think of every sunset or sunrise you will experience. Think of how satisfying it will be to find your new favorite song. What about that concert you've been wanting to go to forever? You'll fall in love with someone who will love you for who you truly are, and it will be unconditional. 
          You may never get to see your eyes and hair glow in sunlight or watch yourself dance around the house, but I promise you are beautiful, handsome, and attractive. 
          These are all reasons to keep going. 
          Comment if you are struggling, or if you're willing to help those who are. Tell me how you're feeling. 
          - Sam xx


Thank you, I really need this.


@ItsSepticeyeSam I love this message! Thank you for this. I know that there are some people who really needed to hear this, me included. I hope you have a nice day/night!


Hey! I don't think my announcments are working properly. If you see this, please let me know. - Sam xx


@ItsSepticeyeSam Did it announce the ones i put up yesterday by chance? Is Wattpad glitching or something? 


I can see it just fine. :)


Writing tips: Setting The Mood pt. 1 
          When writing, you have a certain tone you want to set for a certain scene depending on the characters and actions taking place there. This will intrigue the reader to keep reading. Here are some tips on how to do that. 
          1. DICTION AND CONNOTATION! This is SO huge for me when writing. Look at certain strong words and decide how they make you feel. How would they make the reader feel? You have words with positive and negative diction. We associate "lovingly" with positive feelings. We associate "hatred" with negative feelings. Also, you can change up certain words to really set a tone. Look at the BIG differences in the next sentences. 
          We're going to a cottage in the forest. 
          We're being taken to a cabin in the woods. 
          One of those seems inherently more murderous than the other. 
          2. Describe the scene with as much detail as possible while including the actions of the characters. This will help the reader get a feel for what's going on. Note, you can move along as slowly or as quickly as need be, you just have to find that perfect balance between detailed settings and the actions happening there. 


I'm going to try and put out two announcements Today. 
          For this one, I will be telling a bit about myself since i have managed to gain some more followers. Where did you all come from? 
          Name: Sam
          Pronouns: They/Them 
          Sexuality: Pansexual
          Age: 15, Almost 16 
          Birthday: June 4th
          Favorite color(s): Black, Red, Blue 
          Favorite Food: Fajitas, Burritos, Tacos, Almost anything on a soft tortilla. 
          Favorite song: Silence Speaks, While She Sleeps.
          Coffee or tea: I am a coffee person, thanks. 
          Bands: Pierce The Veil, Bring Me The Horizon, Asking Alexandria, All Time Low, 5 Seconds Of Summer, Bullet For My Valentine, System Of A Down. 
          Ask more if you want to know! 
          Feel free to tell me about yourself too, especially if you're a new follower. 
          - Sam, they/them 


More writing tips! 
          1. When describing characters, allow the descriptions to be brief and Don't tell anything other than key important facts. Leave room for mystery and you can develop them more as you go! DM me for more information on this since its such a large topic. 
          2. Action scenes should have detail, but also go along quickly. Try to find a nice balance between detail and fast pace. It makes the scene more realistic. 
          3. VERY IMPORTANT: Have you ever read a story where a character got an injury but it didn't bother them following the chapter they got hurt in? That is unrealistic writing. If a character gets hurt in a specific area (forehead, shoulder, leg) make note of that! Make note of that injury and allow it to carry on for a few chapters. Write about the injury and have it bother the character for awhile. Fall down the stairs? Write about the aching shoulder or torn muscle. It will make your writing more realistic. 
          More coming soon. If you have any topics or questions you want me to cover, just ask!
          - Sam xx


@Feeling_Better_04 I will definitely make this my next topic! Some writers in my DMs have told me that they struggle with that. I will definitely make it my next topic as it is widely requested! 


Y’ello! If it’s not too much to ask, would it be okay to get some tips on writing atmosphere? Like, getting readers anxious when a scary scene happens, or sad when something depressing happens etc. If not, that’s fine. Thanks a bunch!


WRITING TIPS (for those interested). 
          1. Don't be afraid to switch up your sentence length and structure. Having a long sentence and then adding a short one to follow will catch the readers attention. 
          2. Use your italics for emphasis or sound words. To me, this is so important. It'll make some key points of your writing stand out. 
          3. Some paragraphs don't have to be paragraphs at all! Having paragraphs is good, but you can have too few or too many depending on the readers you are trying to attract. Having a one sentence paragraph is not a sin, especially when trying to add emphasis ir emotion. 
          Tell me if you guys want more stuff like this! 
          - Sam. 


Lowkey, these are so helpful tho! More tips like these would be greatly appreciated


Thank you! I find myself trying to switch up my writing often, so this helps


Cool tips, I agree with you. And yeah I would read more of this. They're interesting. 


Do y'all want some Quarantine Quotes from me and my friends?? We say some hellish stuff. 


@Feeling_Better_04 @FireTheFox2 @BlueberrySyddikko  Its up guys! Im going to be posting my friends quotes too sometime soon. Hope yall enjoy it  