
Hello... I know, I know... It's been almost a year. I am so sorry but I've been super busy with school and it's been a very stressful year, on another note, I'm finally back. :)
          	Thank you to everyone who voted and commented or fanned while I was gone, I'll try to upload some new short stories so you gotta keep an eye for that :)


Hello... I know, I know... It's been almost a year. I am so sorry but I've been super busy with school and it's been a very stressful year, on another note, I'm finally back. :)
          Thank you to everyone who voted and commented or fanned while I was gone, I'll try to upload some new short stories so you gotta keep an eye for that :)


          Hello, how are you all doing? Well, I'm sending you this since I haven't posted anything for a while now and I haven't been interacting with you guys enough.
          I'm currently on doing absolutely nothing so please come and ask me questions here
          It would mean the world to me. oh and finally, has anyone been to VidCon this year? I know the chances are pretty slim but if you have post here and tell me all about it. If you haven't and you've always wanted to go, also post here and let us fangirl together over Caspar's accent, Zoe's perfection, Tyler's fangirling and Marcus "Hello"... Need I say more?
          Keep those questions coming, ask me about my favourite musician, favourite Ed Sheeran song or even simply come and talk!
          Stay awesome :)
          I love you :) xx


Hello, how are you all doing? Everyone's enjoying their holiday? Yeah, me too. well, I've been trying so hard to get a Liam follow and it seems to me that it's not happening any time soon so ...
          Anyway, if you're interested in reading something which is non-fan fiction , how about you check out "Picture Perfect"? Especially the last one shot, it would mean the world to me.
          Tell me what you think of it as I had really worked hard on it. what's the point of fanning me if you're not going to read anything I'm writing? :)
          Again, don't hesitate to post on my message board or PM if you wanna talk and don't forget to hit me up on Twitter/tumblr/ask/instagram 
          Stay awesome :) 
          I love you :)xx


          Guess who uploaded Isabella's Epilogue and a final Author's Note? THIS GIRL. Yup, be proud of me because it's 5:05 am here and I need to go to sleep. 
          Go check it out and tell me what you think :)
          Stay awesome :)
          I love you :D xx


          Hello everyone, how are you all doing? Yes I'm still alive and no I don't have a valid reason to justify my absence. I haven't been in the writing mood lately and with Ramadan and fasting and stuff I haven't even had the time to write anything but don't worry, this phase will be over soon and I'll be posting "Isabella" epilogue soon! 
          On another note, I'm so close to 130 fans and it would mean the world to me if you shared your favorite story of mine with your friends and family and let them follow me :) 
          Also how about you check out "Picture Perfect"? It's a one shot book and I'll be updating that more often :) 
          Finally, don't hesitate to PM or message me here and follow me on all my social network links :) 
          Ramadan Kareem to all my Muslim followers :)
          P-S: I'm so sorry , don't worry I'll be posting before you know it :) 
          Stay awesome :)
          I love you! :D 


@GoldenLeaves Well, long story short, our ex-president Morsi has been a complete disgrace to our own country for the past year. His party used the name of Islam to justify some of their actions (which were totally against the religion). Now the president has been overthrown and early presidential elections will be held so I guess we're on the right track! :) 
          p-s: I don't know who that guy is but he's all over my dashboard and I think that the whole tumblr community is a fan of him and ships him with another dude. :3