Hello! This is Tessa... I am publishing my first work in fantasy and adventure genre its by the name "The Irrevocable Powers", u can find it in my profile... Hope u like it
Reincarnated as a Worm. Death Worm reminds me of Effing worms worm.
Obviously the chance to get friendly wis even lower. It could be probably hostile approach every where.
The hero should risk with the spider and the fox.
Now whell it is Death Worm which is not good in long run he painted himself as a target and coward.
So I don't know what to think if that is a punishment for the hero or whatever the charecter.
Is this situation salvagavable. This word salvagavable now has unpleasant memory of someone... Anyway if that can be salvagavable situation into something else would be nice. The only bonus is a tanking.
What are your plans for that reincarnated if can do somehow good or That evolution Doomed that reincarnated coward.