
Just to let you know....ummm...Chapter 23 is like...out now for y'all to read. Yeah...bye now...
          	Hahahahahahahahahaha lol!


Chapter 21 is finally out, guys, and I want to thank you all for waiting for it. I sincerely apologize for not uploading as I used to, I felt like I needed a break from certain stuff that causes my stress and anxiety. I was actually aiming for 6,000+ words for Chapter 21, but writer's block came onto me.
          But don't worry, I feel fine right now and I am very happy that some of you showed me support on my fanfic. You know who you are! Thank you so much!!!
          Stay safe and stay warm, ATINY! Hey, speaking of ATINY, should I have a fandom name instead of using ATINY because I feel like I'm stealing it. If you have any suggestions/questions about that, contact me via Instagram or here. Just don't expect me to answer right away 
          I hearteu~~~~~~~~~


@Its_Kaijai Yeah that's stealing...


Hey, guys!!! Thank you to those who have been supporting my Woosan fanfic and for being patient since I am busy most of the time now after I graduated from high school. I might not upload for a while because I am moving to Georgia soon, and I have to do this and do that, etc.
           I do type snippets here and there, but things keep popping up out of the blue!!! I just want to let you guys know before I forget so. Again, I am so sorry!!!!!! Chapter 21 will be worth it (I hope so).
          Again, take care of yourselves and love yourselves, or Namjoon will shave off your eyebrows. OK? OK! I hearteu <3 <3 <3 <3


Hewwo, ATINY!!!!!! I just want to thank you!!!! 4K READS?????!!!!!!!!!??????? Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!! I am very happy right now... A few minutes I was dancing the Thanxx choreography in pure happiness (cringe). Anyways, I will upload my next chapter before the end of March so be expecting that. I hearteu . Take care of yourselves and love yourselves!!!!