the grug chant
every afternoon at pee o’ clock, we say this mantra for our rock
the one and only grug the crood,
a very swag and cool dude
if you haven’t heard this chant already
sit back and relax very steadily
for you are about to experience such surreal emotions
and after you read this, tell grug your devotions........
we pledge allegiance to the grug
the king himself the only jug
his kindness and loyalty affects us all
and never once will he let us fall
to the deep pits of ice age baby simon
niall honestly truly sucks as rhyming
he will defend us from terrible things, like arson
editing pilgrim harry, hump day, and getting matthew morrisoned
but throughout it all, we still have each other
we pledge to grug as a friend, king, and brother
so stream nobody is listening for grugs presence
and shall we forever be under his surveillance
we pledge, we pledge to the grug
stan one direction and today, give someone a warm hug
tell them “grug is here for you,
always has been, always will be, no matter the issue”