Hey guys!
Just thought I'd post this, want to clear up some stuff..
I think I've lost a lot of support over the past few months, like i know i've never been majorly popular or anything, but as of late, everything has just flopped on here.
I really enjoy writing, mostly for my friends, so I'm not gonna stop writing just because people have stopped reading. Im really sorry for how infrequent my updates have been, and I honestly have no excuse for it. I forget to write because I'm tired, and I'm tired when I remember to write, so everything I write sucks, and I just dont want to upload crap. I know people probably wont read this, but if you do, please forgive me for my crappy writerness, which isnt a word, but whatever.
If you do still read my stories, thank you so very much, it means more than you think :) x