
Hey, I know it’s been more than a two week break. My now fiancé is back from boot camp and is stationed so I am able to talk to him now (daily). Currently I’m on a vacation in Hawaii but I have been working on the remake of Sakusa x Reader so that will be coming out soon in full so you do not have to worry about waiting for any chapters to come out. I just graduated high school so I’m balancing stuff with college and a bunch of vacations planned before I go. I’ll try and keep writing while I’m in college but I’ll also be working during my first year. Thank you all for understanding and I should be posting soon.


Hey, I know it’s been more than a two week break. My now fiancé is back from boot camp and is stationed so I am able to talk to him now (daily). Currently I’m on a vacation in Hawaii but I have been working on the remake of Sakusa x Reader so that will be coming out soon in full so you do not have to worry about waiting for any chapters to come out. I just graduated high school so I’m balancing stuff with college and a bunch of vacations planned before I go. I’ll try and keep writing while I’m in college but I’ll also be working during my first year. Thank you all for understanding and I should be posting soon.


Hey, y'all I am going to take a two-week break. My boyfriend left for boot camp yesterday, which is very hard on me. I need some time to myself so I can heal a little and not break down crying at any moment. Thank you for understanding and I promise I'll update soon.