Title: The Rise of the Imperium
Book #1 in the Dimension Crusades
Genre: Science Fiction
Status: ongoing but I update twice to three times a week
Cirynthia is a universe created by Sabathiels, who are beings more powerful than Destinators. The catch is that there are only eleven of them. At one point they just came into existence and went to work molding a universe under their peaceful control. It was harmonious. Until one of them went rogue. He threatened to destroy everything they had worked for at the realization that the peace could not last with the power they all held. So, he forced each of them to sacrifice their life and their powers to create a dimension with its own people, characteristics, and way of life. Thus, the ten dimensions were born. The only rules for these new peoples were pretty simple. Once a century, their leaders were to gather in the heart of Cirynthia to sign a peace treaty. Once signed, they would leave for their own lives once more with little to no more contact with the other dimensions until the next century. But as the Sabthiel predicted, peace can't last.