
Happy New Yearr!!!! (She says 3 days late but better late than never) How are we doing, how are we feeling??


Hey guys so funny story, he doesn’t like me anymore and likes someone else. Before you even think, “did he tell you that?” No, he made me say the words cause he is a little bitch boy pretending to be a man :). ON ANOTHER NOTE HAS ANYONE HEARD OF PEGGY BY CEECHYNAA?? I’m in loveeee




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@ItssthaliaBee guys are so fucking annoying I was talking to this one guy and he literally ruined our friendship because he said he doesn’t think we’ll work out as a boyfriend and girlfriend. #DoneWithBoys


Ik i Said last update but… I lied. Monday he gave me a hug today he put his hands on my waist and told me I was specialll. I also talk to him about slutting him out and then I get scared bc he’s had sex once before and I haven’t even held hands with anyone romantically sooooo…..  and we do have things in common which is funnnn!!!!! I’m kinda scared to tell him I’ve never done any or they stuff but it’s not that I think he’ll make fun of me it’s just I make sexual jokes js to be Virgin Mary like how ironic, I’m gonna tell him though soo yeahh lil update for no one in particular 


@ItssthaliaBee  HEELLP why am I just now seeing this!! yall are so  sweet from what it seems


@ItssthaliaBee stop this is too cute im fangirling for you two rn


@ItssthaliaBee pls this is so real 


So last update maybe, but I got his number the same day he added me back and we just texted, he sent me a total of 4 voice messages now (My face hurts from smiling so much) and he even sent me a video of him going to the gymmmm (It’s only the second day of nnn, I might just fail) he also apologizes anytime he leaves me on delivered for more than 5 minutes and I told him it was sweet and he didn’t have tooo, I told him I’m awkward when texting bc I didn’t think he was gonna say yes, he said why and to stall I asked if I should be completely honest or sugarcoat… idk why I said that bs bc I have now been left on delivered since 6 pm yesterday (someone revoke my typing privileges) but anyway, he’s super transparent with me even though it’s been only 2 days and I told him I loved thatttt. Now all I can think about is touching his face and kissing him¿¿¿¿  like I just want him to ttm while I look into his eyesss ( I told him I don’t have to ask his eye color bc I already know [we make eye contact a lot] and he said he doesn’t even know his eye color. So I said told him that I can see they’re dark brown from afar, but if he wants a more accurate answer he needs to give me a closer look and he said, and I quote ‘ok’…was that too weird for me to say???) anywho, someone tell this man to let me suck his dick rn. Just kidding… or am I? Ngl I’m scared bc what if I accidentally say I want to dick him down??? Bc ik me and I really might just say that..


@Coochie_flutters i literally predicted me corrupting him bc i just taught him what edging is :)


@Coochie_flutters Dw I won’t! Matter of factI’m more scared I’ll corrupt him.. (emphasis Corrupt not force) My music taste and the books I read are NOT for the weak. Plus he’s super honest and sweet, I literally know the hospital he was born in and what type of toothpaste he uses lol


@ItssthaliaBee HAHAHAHA. I love inappropriate touching (*^.^*). But do it safely. And don't let him pressure you into stuff. 


          He sent me an audio message, and he told me he doesn’t mind it when I look at him. And he likes our eye contact and- woah- where did my pants go?? 


@ItssthaliaBee ohhhh myyyyyy. So he's a smash 


@Coochie_flutters His voice is nice, not in the “I want him to talk me through it” way but in the “I NEED to talk HIM through it” way


@ItssthaliaBee YAYYYYYYY hope all goes well. Does he have a nice voice?????


Update that no one asked for: basically I saw him he didn’t say anything to me he kinda just looked my direction and opened and closed his mouth like a goldfish. Turns out he did add me back today (my phone was off so I didn’t realize till after my last class) so idk what I should say, I want to be snarky and point out how he didn’t say nothing but I don’t wanna be snarky?¿ he changed his classes so he’s now in my last one of the day maybe I could point that out? Idk once again someone send help


I feel like the bsf js watching this play out help-


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Talking stages are such an interesting thing. Never talked to this guy before but I thought he looked good and long story short he gave me his info (I didn’t say a single word mind you, kinda awkward ngl) and has yet to add me back. (it’s been 5 hours.. maybe I’m the problem)  Either way wtf happens when he adds me back (if he does fr). Like what am I supposed to say, everyone says don’t say “how was your day” or wyd, so am I  fucked? Also idk why he said yes to giving me his info (I didn’t ask for it, it’s hard to explain) I’m extremely fucking weird and the complete opposite of him (I think). He smokes, I don’t. He’s sporty, I’m not. He’s barely active/engaged in his education (from what I’m observed and I am. I don’t know honestly, I want it to work out but I overthink too muchhh (send help) 


@Coochie_flutters just passed him and he looked at me but didn’t say anything soo


@Coochie_flutters he still hasn’t added me back but I’m meeting my friend and they said they just saw him so we’ll see lol. But I’m not going to ask if he forgot about me or anything of the sorts, if he wants to talk to me he will. “I don’t chase, I attract.”


@ItssthaliaBee any updates???? There might be things you guys have in common. Give him a chance. But also trust your gut 


Sorry to interrupt but i saw you once in a book about a girl joining college and having to be in a house with three over guys.The last time i remember it had a pink cover and one of the guys was a artist 


Idk about the guy being an artist but maybe it’s Our darling girl by @LittleOne1792