Hello my fellow human :3
Let me introduce myself!

Name: DayDream

Nicknames I go by: Day, Night, Stars

Age: Older than time
I'm jus' kidding :3 I'll be old enough to get my first
drivers license soon!

Nationality: As far as I know, I'm 3/4 German and 1/4

Pronouns: He/They

Gender: Honestly still questioning that one TnT

Country: I live in Germany :3 weather here gets easily
annoying TnT

Other stuff:

I'm from a small town in Bavaria and I don't know how to speak any german dialect. I can only understand it TnT

I live pretty near to 2 woods! Which are my favorite places btw!!!

I loooooove the colors blue, black, green, white and yellow!

I'm a Therian and my Theriotypes are as far as I know a calico cat and a red fox :3

I absolutely hate swearing!

I easily get distracted.

I hate our society even more than swearing

That's all! :3
  • In your closet- Wait- fuck so I actually AM gay?!
  • JoinedAugust 25, 2024