Thank you for reading. Unfortunately, this book is being discontinued for a unknown period of time. It is not identifiable when this will be continued, but something will be done.
-The Pack
Thank you for reading. Unfortunately, this book is being discontinued for a unknown period of time. It is not identifiable when this will be continued, but something will be done.
-The Pack
Dead readers,
As all of the teams schedules are getting more hectic and our summer is nearing an end, posting will become less and less frequent. We will try to post on our website, which is still being worked on. Thank you for staying with us for the past two months and reading my book.
-Itz_Delphox, signing out
Itz_Delphox has not abandoned this book. He has recovered and is desperately working to finish our website. I will be the editor and first Co-writer, along with Aurora. And I'm the cover artist and editor. He's undergoing plans for the amazing ( YAY!) Flaming Forever and review his writing concepts. Enjoy! -AmyRosy64
Our prototype website is almost ready to be launched for testing. Please enjoy our chapters while we test and edit our new and revolutionary website.
About our website! UPDATED VERSION! Once I have published the first Chapter of Flaming Forever, the team will work together and create our own website for Itz_Delphox & Friends. You can also meet the rest of the crew and and Writing and Editing Team.
As a one hundred readers special, I will launch Itz_Delphox and Friends official website and the amazing, hardworking members of the Writing and Editing Team
GET READY! My next section, titled Flaming Forever, is now having a vote on what language the chapter titles will be in. Pm us your decision and look forward to Flaming Forever, Chapter 1 (Preceded by Chapter 5.1 & 5.2)