
          	Just wanted to let you know next update will be a bit after May 9th since I got two AP exams that day  


@21Moli I’m hoping for sometime next week since I’ll be free from school after this week ✨


@ Itz_Galaxia, do you know when the next update is gonna be? Not to pressure you to do it but I would like to know :)


          Just wanted to let you know next update will be a bit after May 9th since I got two AP exams that day  


@21Moli I’m hoping for sometime next week since I’ll be free from school after this week ✨


@ Itz_Galaxia, do you know when the next update is gonna be? Not to pressure you to do it but I would like to know :)


I’m not dead guys ✨✨✨
          I have national exam literally tomorrow so I’ve been freaking out because I’m not getting the score I need to get the best scholarship for college 
          I suck at the English portion, and English isn’t my first language. The words are way too big for me to understand 
          Please wish me good luck if you see this even if it’s after the exam 


@Th4t1neBuh Thanks!!! Sorry it took me so long to reply 


Good luck!!! I've been dead i have 200+ notifications but I'm happy i saw urs its been a while but good luck!! 


@VentiSimpUwU Thank you!!!!
            I’m about to go to sleep soon to wake up at 5am tomorrow for it 


I love your shinkami but I was wonder if you could do it when shinso is tran and have abuse parent and kami is bi but have trust issuse and shinso misstake this as him hating him and I do not want quirks I want it to be in this era oh and kami top/shinso bottom but you do not have to do it right now or ever I just love your story and you are a better writter then me and i do not want my ideas to go to waste thank you,love


            I could do something close to that in the future ✨


          It did get worse before it got better so yeah, around 2 hours after I sent the message I started calming down a little and stopped crying. Another good thing is that the means of doing you know what was inside my backpack and I honestly had no energy to move an inch. 
          So sorry that I worried you all, this was one of my larger breakdowns so I was actually contemplating it and ready to do it but I just didn’t have to energy to move to get it because I was so exhausted.
          With that being said I also got only like 4 hours of sleep 
          I dunno why but I’ve been feeling dead if I don’t get at least 10 a day which is basically everyday except on Sunday. 
          Thank you my nebulas 
          Galaxia (Xia)


You’re mine to deal


Sorry sorry  
            It was all just getting really unbearable to keep living through 


Warning mention of suicide 
          Uhm so I’ll be honest, I’m not sure if I’ll be alive tomorrow…
          My physics homework is causing me to have a mental breakdown currently and I can’t understand this question at all that I feel like the only way is to just off myself. I could attempt it but I’m not very positive it will succeed and I’ll just end up hurting my organs (when I do my suicide attempt I want it to have a high success rate tho so I don’t have to live with the failed attempt but I dunno anymore…) I really don’t know at this point I’ve been trying to get through really have but I can’t, it’s all crumbling down and I don’t know…
          So I guess it’ll be I either somewhere manage to survive tonight or I end up not being able to get through.
          But no matter what happens I’m grateful for all of you, thank you so much for reading and enjoying my stories, you don’t know how much happiness you all brought to my life by getting to read all your sweet and fun comments ☺️
          I’ll update tomorrow if I do end up getting through it so yeah, I’ll try my best to stay strong for everyone but I can’t guarantee 
          Love you all my nebulas  (yes this is the name I used for my subscribers on YT and I’m gonna call all of you this as well because it’s cute)
          Galaxia (Xia)


In life's tangled web, when shadows weigh,
            My dear friend, please hear me say,
            In your depths of despair, don't lose your way,
            Let me be your beacon, through night and day.
            Your pain, a tempest, I understand,
            But darling, please, don't let it command.
            I'll hold your hand, together we'll stand,
            In love's sanctuary, we'll gently land.
            The world may seem a relentless storm,
            But within our bond, a haven warm.
            Amidst despair, a glimmer shall swarm,
            Hope's embrace, our resilient form.
            Your heart, a treasure, beyond compare,
            Let me show you, I deeply care.
            In your darkest hour, know I'm there,
            To listen, to hold, to soulfully share.
            Though tears may blur the path ahead,
            Believe in us, in what's unsaid.
            For life's a symphony, yet to be led,
            In our friendship, find solace instead.
            So, my friend, take this plea to heart,
            Choose life's journey, let's make a fresh start.
            With courage and love, let's play our part,
            Together, we'll mend what's torn apart.


          Hiatus is officially over 
          I have started a new story which is MizuEna (Project Sekai ship) 
          Now I’m going to go back to continuing the ShinKami angst story I have written and there is another Denki angst fic that I read and I really love the idea so I’m gonna write an inspired fanfic for that as well. That one will be way shorter and should be done in one part. I’m planning on just writing some short Denki angst fics while working on the other stories.
          However for the Xiaoven story, I’m sorry to inform but it might take a bit longer for me to update that one, I’m not discontinuing it though!!!
          Thank you everyone so much for your patience for almost a year now, you all are the best! 
          I can’t wait to get back into writing more stories for you all! 


I’ve realized that none of the have been started by me sooo 
          Random Question I suppose 
          In angst stories do you like sad or happy ending, or does it depend on how the story goes, like it does for me


I like hot men