
Here is a cute picture I drew.
          	        (\           /)
          	        ( \         / )
          	        (  \       /  )
          	        (   /< >\   )
          	         ( / \  / \ )
          	           /         \        __
          	          (            )     (     )
          	    It is a decapitated angel.  Send it on to all of your friends so it
          	will brighten their day as it did yours!  If you don't, possessed goats
          	will move into your house and eat all of your socks, leading you to believe
          	that something is wrong with your washing machine because all of your socks
          	keep disappearing.  
          	    Have a nice day!!!


~A star has five ends. A square has four ends. A triangle has three ends. A line has two ends. But a circle of our friendship has no ends. Send this to your friends (including me if I am one). If you get 5 back, you are a good friend. If you get 10 back, you're popular. If you get 15, DANGGGG you're a star ♡♡♡


Here is a cute picture I drew.
                  (\           /)
                  ( \         / )
                  (  \       /  )
                  (   /< >\   )
                   ( / \  / \ )
                     /         \        __
                    (            )     (     )
              It is a decapitated angel.  Send it on to all of your friends so it
          will brighten their day as it did yours!  If you don't, possessed goats
          will move into your house and eat all of your socks, leading you to believe
          that something is wrong with your washing machine because all of your socks
          keep disappearing.  
              Have a nice day!!!


Hi everyone ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
          How are you?
          Hopefully good.
          Idk why I sent this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
          But anyways.
          I hope you guys know good things are coming.
          You are all beautiful in your own unique ways
          That thing you've been dreaming of all this time? I hope you know I think you should do it. Just because its hard doesn't make it impossible!(。◕‿◕。)
          You matter!(=^ェ^=)
          No matter how dark your days get, I'm just a text away!
          Thank you for you time. Enjoy your day!!! You are:
            \\ _
             \( •_•) ᶠ
              < ⌒ヽ ᴬ
             /   へ\ ᴮ
             /  / \\ ᵁ
             レ ノ   ヽ_つ ᴸ
            / / ᴼ
            / /| ᵁ
           ( (ヽ ˢ
           | |、\
           | 丿 \ ⌒)
           | |  ) /
          `ノ )  ᴸノ