
okaaaay so it's been forever since I've posted something I'm so so so sorry for that. i hadn't enough time cuz of school, i also was kibd of struggling with myself. but now it's getting better, I'm only now I'm my exam year what means i won't be active around may. but i will still try to make some free time to write something.. so for information I've now 5 books in my draw and i wanna write them so bad. i already began with two of them,, soon you will expect a story :) thank u 


okaaaay so it's been forever since I've posted something I'm so so so sorry for that. i hadn't enough time cuz of school, i also was kibd of struggling with myself. but now it's getting better, I'm only now I'm my exam year what means i won't be active around may. but i will still try to make some free time to write something.. so for information I've now 5 books in my draw and i wanna write them so bad. i already began with two of them,, soon you will expect a story :) thank u 


Okay sorry mensen dat ik heel lang niks heb geplaatst, dat komt omdat ik ten eerste helemaal geen inspiratie heb en dat krijg je ook niet zomaar en ten tweede ik heb de neiging nooit om door te schrijven. Dus ik ben even van plan om al m'n boeken offline te zetten en dan verder schrijven en als ik het af heb weer online zetten. Want dan heb ik wat minder druk op me of zo, ik wil natuurlijk alle boeken zo goed mogelijk maken alleen dat gaat moeilijk met druk ofzo. Dus ja