
          	Sorry for what I promised. Don't take me as one of those writers that doesn't stand by her promises, is just that I didn't know I'll have to do so many things when I promised certain updates in certain days. 
          	So, sorry, there's not going to be and Sunday-update, but I've come to realise that as I have a lot of things to do now I need to schedule some things, and writing will be one of the first ones, however I can't promise the schedule will be followed to its last word because I don't know what could come during it. 
          	So here it is. 
          	    I am going to update every third      Saturday of every month, and Sunday of the same weekend as a delay.  
          	Right now I'm busy, soooo...
          	See ya on the third Saturday of nicer month!!!
          	Love ya!
          	Ivie xx 


          Sorry for what I promised. Don't take me as one of those writers that doesn't stand by her promises, is just that I didn't know I'll have to do so many things when I promised certain updates in certain days. 
          So, sorry, there's not going to be and Sunday-update, but I've come to realise that as I have a lot of things to do now I need to schedule some things, and writing will be one of the first ones, however I can't promise the schedule will be followed to its last word because I don't know what could come during it. 
          So here it is. 
              I am going to update every third      Saturday of every month, and Sunday of the same weekend as a delay.  
          Right now I'm busy, soooo...
          See ya on the third Saturday of nicer month!!!
          Love ya!
          Ivie xx 


          Someone made my day already! 
          And I know that person know who she is! 
          Soooo... Because I really love that people like my book, and because I love love writing, I promise an update within this week. 
          My limit day will be due to Sunday, so if the update is not there by first hour on Sunday as the latest, ask me, message me or something and I'll update that chapter and another one the next week!
          Love ya!<3
          Ivie xx


          My lovely readers! 
          I'm sorry if the story has take so long, but I promise I'm trying, is just I've been through a lot of new things lately and I'm trying really hard to update as soon as possible, don't despair, I'll update. 
          But anyhow, I can make some kind of, I don't game if you want, about the book. I don't have an idea but you guys can come up with anything you like. 
          And as always, 
          L O V E  Y A! < 3 
          Ivie xx 


@PrettyBaby44 thanks for the follow also! 
          I hope you can pass by and read my book sooner, please tell me what you think about it, there is always welcome the feedback, always constructive of course, and feel free to comment and vote if you like it!


@IvieTrails  I will and I hope u do the same ")