
Hi, as you've just published a new story, I don't suppose you'll be creating a new one any time soon. But if you ever want a suggestion for a next story, one in the same theme but a little different from the previous ones. I'd be happy to share it with you, and to read it if it ever comes out on wattpad. This kind of project has been done before, but most of them are never finished.


@El_lobo59 that’s a nice idea but I prefer writing Stories where the main character is a girl,sorry.
            Thank you for the suggestion though and please don‘t feel discouraged from bringing up more suggestions to me in the Future just because I don’t wanna write that one :)


@Ivorycomplexion Sorry I didn't get the notification, but the idea is to create a story where the main character is a little boy. There aren't many stories with a little boy, but many with little girls. Either, as I said, they're never finished, or they're sexualized and I don't like to read that knowing that the character has changed age. And I'd like it to be a mama's boy, to have a very strong bond/chemistry maybe breastfeeding to create that even closer bond. I'd be really happy to have more stories like this on wattpad, because I don't see any or very few, and since you write about age regression, I'll pass on this suggestion. I hope you like it and maybe if you repost more here, it will be your next story, in any case I'll be the first to read it with great pleasure.


Heyyy,I‘d love to hear your suggestion what is it?
            I probably won‘t post as much on here as I used to for the next few weeks but after that I might post a lot on here again :)


Hey love your stories. Question will the Olivia one be updated or are you done that story 


That’s fine I was just wondering 


Hey,thanks so much,I‘m so glad to hear that,and no I‘m not done with that,I will update that one again but I‘m quite busy so I‘m not gonna post on both stories every day cause I also write on other platforms aswell,not just on Wattpad :)