
Congratulations to all the ONC 2025 Round 1 qualifiers! So many amazing stories there, I can’t wait to see where they all go.
          	Let Me Be Your Villain is also heading for Round 2, and in the background, I’m very close to reaching the 20k mark.
          	Keep writing my friends!


Congratulations to all the ONC 2025 Round 1 qualifiers! So many amazing stories there, I can’t wait to see where they all go.
          Let Me Be Your Villain is also heading for Round 2, and in the background, I’m very close to reaching the 20k mark.
          Keep writing my friends!


Hello lovelies,
          How are you doing?
          If you are participating in ONC, how is your story coming along?
          I hope you are all having fun and staying healthy!
          I’ll have some big LMBYV news for you next week, but until then, chapter 4 is out!
          If you haven’t caught up yet, come and check it out.
          Draven is making a mess in the real world. Very on brand for him.


Hello everyone,
          I hope you are doing well!
          Quick update on LMBYV: I passed the 10k mark with drafting, but Draven is an absolute chaos monster, and Sol is stubborn and they make me struggle with revisions!
           I think I’ll pass the 8k mark with revisions this week, though, which means LMBYV is definitely heading into ONC Round 2! (Well, hopefully, if I did everything right with the first submission.)
          I’ve also scheduled the next episode for this Sunday, and scheduling the next two later this week, so hopefully, I’ll get myself a little buffer.
          If you are participating in ONC how is your project going?


@YvanUng that’s great work, congrats!


@FenrisTheWolfie OMG, I’d die without an outline! You have my respect, and your story is amazing! I’m struggling even with an outline, these characters are going off-script…


@ IvyBeeWrites  I'm in panic mode. I swapped my MC's names last week trying to write my other novel and was wheezing at my messiness. 8k mark is pretty far (I'm posting what I write, so I have like... 4K and something) and I have no outline, no plans whatsoever but heeey, that's the funny part ! 


Hello Lovelies,
          Chapter 2 of LET ME BE YOUR VILLLAIN is available now, please, come and check it out!
          This also means that I hit the required 2k for the first submission for ONC, because chapter 2 fell a little short. It's been submitted this morning. If you see a little (2k) in the text, ignore it, it's only there as a signal for the judges.
          I'm excited to hear your thoughts on the new chapter!


I meant to say chapter 1 fell a little short. Oops.


Hello Everyone,
          I'm returning to Wattpad after many, many years. I'm starting this new journey by participating in the Open Novella Contest 2025!
          My prompt is going to be prompt #40, and it is going to be a cozy(ish) fantasy with possibly a small dash of LGBT romance.
          I can't wait to share this story with you all. I hope you'll follow along!