
Hehe pahal bile aq baca blik buku aq rasa cringe siot  alahai...masa korg baca pon mesti cringe an? Yeah I masih idup and skrg aq tgh mule tulis chap baru :') still aq x dok idea but tulis je pape yg terlintas kt otak aq yg dh berhabuk ni 


Hehe pahal bile aq baca blik buku aq rasa cringe siot  alahai...masa korg baca pon mesti cringe an? Yeah I masih idup and skrg aq tgh mule tulis chap baru :') still aq x dok idea but tulis je pape yg terlintas kt otak aq yg dh berhabuk ni 


Eyyyyy! Assalamualaikum gais..well aq x upload any chapter cuz you know..school! And then after school aq ada latihan silat smpi kul 5:00 pastu..malam tu aq ada kelas piano plak..and that makes me have no time to upload new chapter for wattpad..SORRY ಥ_ಥ I swear to god that I will burn that school one day..Who actually likes to go to school?!!!!????! Anyway I tried utk cri masa for my next chap but..oh well..AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SEKOLAH BODOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!