
Bro i recently discovered that if your attractive to clowns this is what is called Coulrophilia I thought It was a just me thing cause I find it weird of me being attractive to them bro I literally had a crush on a clown once when I was a kid when a circus came to my town I saw a boy that was around my age and i immediately had a crush on him !!!


@Aestheticwave18 oh really? lol for me it’s obvious I loved clowns when I was a kid And I still do ! 


@IvyMidoriya00 Funny enough, I actually used to be terrified at clowns.. :'))


Bro i recently discovered that if your attractive to clowns this is what is called Coulrophilia I thought It was a just me thing cause I find it weird of me being attractive to them bro I literally had a crush on a clown once when I was a kid when a circus came to my town I saw a boy that was around my age and i immediately had a crush on him !!!


@Aestheticwave18 oh really? lol for me it’s obvious I loved clowns when I was a kid And I still do ! 


@IvyMidoriya00 Funny enough, I actually used to be terrified at clowns.. :'))




Guys!! Finally today is the day even tho I just find out lol not to long ago the website for welcome home is finally going to return!! Today clown said it himself!! He said that the website will be going live ! But that’s the problem for me lol idk witch time it will be going on live