
Hey guys ,
          	This your author.
          	I am sorry for this long absence almost a year.
          	It was beyond my control.
          	So as an apology and a thank you note to @Lilmochi_13 for still being here, I will be publishing a new story as per their suggestion. 
          	Honestly it was long overdue.
          	I will publish the introductions now.
          	And chapter 1 will be published at 00:30 today
          	Stay tuned
          	Thankyou for still being here for whoever is reading this.
          	With love


Hey guys ,
          This your author.
          I am sorry for this long absence almost a year.
          It was beyond my control.
          So as an apology and a thank you note to @Lilmochi_13 for still being here, I will be publishing a new story as per their suggestion. 
          Honestly it was long overdue.
          I will publish the introductions now.
          And chapter 1 will be published at 00:30 today
          Stay tuned
          Thankyou for still being here for whoever is reading this.
          With love


Hey guys,
          This is your author.
          I have to tell you guys something.
          According to the suggestion of @Lilmochi_13 , I have started another story.
          Although I don't plan on publishing it anytime soon, just let me know when you guys are ready.
          'Cause there is already one story that I can't  upload properly. so it will be irresponsible of me to throw in another incomplete and stuck story to you guys.
          So yeah, that's it .I just wanted you guys to know.
          Thankyou for your time
          with love


@Lilmochi_13 I'll do that then :)


@ijinob_eerSANA can you please first finish your first story then start the new one it will also be helpful for you ❤


New chapter of ' The Human Hyungs ' has been published. 
          Thank you for your time.


I'm happy you enjoyed it.


@ijinob_eerSANA its really soo good thanks for writing such an amazing chapter ❤❤


Hey guys,
          This is your author
          First of all, I apologise for the abrupt absence of new chapters.
          I am sorry.
          Gosh,I sound so formal
          Anyways, even though it's not  fully solved, I promise I'll sidetrack my problems and fill in more chapters.
          I just realised that it's never gonna be solved 
          With love,