Honestly, it’s not just you…even some of their paid gay books are not that great. The good books are from long ago or deeply buried. It’s the sole reason I left and started actually buying books on Amazon but buying books all the time when I read so much isn’t kind to my wallet.
So, I decided to start my own gay book review blog. Where I review books from mainstream markets and ‘free sites’ like tapas and Wattpad.
I’ve put up my first review, my second one is coming tomorrow and so on. In regards to Wattpad and tapas I will only be reviewing the best stories so it’s almost like a recommendation blog. But if I put up a negative review on there it will be for paid books where I will be earning other readers not to waste their coins. Because some books are just hyped for no reason.
The link is available for free on my profile and my blog is free as well: