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Ok I know that I only have 10 followers and out of those ten I doubt any of you read this series but I wanna rant about it so....THE NEW KOTLC BOOK 8.5 JUST CAME OUT AND I JUST FINISHED IT AND OML!! FRICKING KEEFE I LOVE KEEFE AND IF ANY OF YOU ARE ON TEAM FITZ YOU CAN JUST SHUT UP (I am up for a debate tho if you want to ) BUT HE DOES IT AGAINNN AND HONESTLY I DONT BLANE HIM AND IM KINDA LIKING SOPHIE LESS BUT I AM IMPRESSED THAT SHES CHANGING CAUSE SOMETIMES MAIN CHARACTERS PRETEND TO HAVE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT BUT REALLY ITS JUST EVERYONE AROUND THEM. Anywhos that part didn’t need to be in caps but I don’t wanna go back and rewrite it. My point is I WANT BOOK 9 PLEASE I NEED TO KNOW MOREEEE. Though this is much less of a cliffhanger I gotta say so I’m not that upset also just KEEFE. I don’t wanna spoil anything on the slim chance the like three of you who may read this actually read the series and haven’t gotten it yet so all I say is Keefe under goes some shit but honestly what else is new. Anyway imma close this out with another OML THIS BOOK AND OML KEEFE and now I shall be done. Also let’s not comment on the fact that I sound like a total fan person over the fictional character cause it’s not like that it’s jus....ughhh this bookkkk. Ok that’s it!! Definitely recommend the series to anyone in middle school and if not I still recommend but it is aimed at younger readers so you may get a little...idk you might need a little more motivation (though those are the best kind of books to escape reality sometimes amiright) I started it in middle school and am now hooked but it is slightly harder to get into when your older I’ve discovered cause something’s seem very trivial BUT I STILL THINK YOU WHOULD READ IT! That’s all sorry this t so long!