
Hi my dear butterflies....❤️
          	I am delighted to unveil my latest literary creation, [Beneath the Broken Mask], now available on Wattpad. This new work has been crafted with meticulous attention to detail and a touch of eloquence, ensuring a captivating and refined reading experience.Explore the narrative, enriched with precise language and an intricate storyline. Your support and feedback are greatly appreciated.Happy reading!Warm regards,
          	Ivy shadows_ 


@Ivyshadows_  Another masterpiece? Super excited sisss!!!❤️


Hi my dear butterflies....❤️
          I am delighted to unveil my latest literary creation, [Beneath the Broken Mask], now available on Wattpad. This new work has been crafted with meticulous attention to detail and a touch of eloquence, ensuring a captivating and refined reading experience.Explore the narrative, enriched with precise language and an intricate storyline. Your support and feedback are greatly appreciated.Happy reading!Warm regards,
          Ivy shadows_ 


@Ivyshadows_  Another masterpiece? Super excited sisss!!!❤️


Am I the only one who accept a person's every side but Why I can't expect this  same from anyone? Or is it too much to ask? 


@bloomingluviee_ oh I'm sry I didn't noticed your msg, that time I'm not in myself because of some troubles. But now I'm good♥️. Like you said I'm also done with everyone. But now I ignore them


@bloomingluviee_ your right unnie.. but sometimes I feel like i am done with everyone. 
            Btw yess I am really good unnie!! Hby!! I even texted you on your board but it seems like my mess didn't reach to you. But tell me about you?? How are your days going on? Everything ok!!?


@bloomingluviee_ no you don't sis, but when time comes we have to accept everyone and everything....
            And btw it's have been a while, hru doing sis??
            Are you ok dea?


Hey my butterflies!! 
          Here is your author with an awesome news for all the Vsoo lovers!! 
          Actually, The novel [Enigma of love] has been replaced from yoonnie to Vsoo, Jirosé to liskook and Liskook to jirosé!! 
          So yaaaay!! You guys can go and read the description  then introduction first and if it seems interesting to you, you can go more further to read the chapter then!! 
          Show some love and support to my book!! As you know how much hardworking and workholic i am!! Lol 
          So anyway the link is attached here! 
          Thank you <3 


@MissKimchi_006 Pls check my new Vsoo story



Hi my butterflies! 
          I have updated the first chapter of Enigma of love!! You guys can read it  now, And I hope you all will enjoy while reading. 
          Don't forget to vote and comment your feedbacks! I would love to read them <3 


@MissKimchi_006 It is vsoo, liskook, And Jirosé now!! <3 


What ship is it ??


Hey all! 
          It is me your author! 
          Well nothing is so new here......
          Umm.... so As you all got to know about That Jisoo being relationship with Ahn Bo Hyun! 
          It was really an unexpected news! Plus shocking. I was pretty sad at first because our vsoo didn't sail......which i believed in soo much! But that's okay.. Because our jichu is happy with her love, and if she is happy!! Then we are as well :) and I also know we will support her no matter what..
          But even going through this news most of the vsoo shippers are glad for her while with  some, they are being toxic throwing hate on Ahn Bo Hyun.. which is really bad. 
          I hope they also understand that our Jisoo  also has rights to be with someone as it is her personal life too. She can love someone as well whether if he is popular as her or not! Doesn't matter! 
           Now, You only tell me whether I should write vsoo books or not? I know it is just a fictional thing and as long as we respect them. But still I want your opinion in this.. because it is important for me to continue or end!? 
          Thank you ❤️


@Miae00 Oh sure! Thanks for the opinion! :) 


Yes please continue writing since its just fanfics as you said...they arent a couple irl bt i still like reading abt them and i will forever


@snowtae143 sure unnie!! Thanks for your opinion :) 