Hello! I normAly don't wright in my messAges but I'm going to give it A shot. I wAs thinking About stArting Another book. I know I tAke A while to uploAd to my Y/N kamada book but to be honest I'm not As into demon slAyer now As I wAs when I stArted the book. But thAt dosent meAn I'll quit the book! I will finish the Y/N Kamada book.
The next book I thought About wrighting A mArvel reAder insert. So I would like yAlls imput. I cAn do other fAndoms such As hikyuu, mhA And dWngenrompA. (I haven't wAtched the play threw of the second gAme. I'm most frAmiler with v3.) I Also need to know whAt contest you guys would like. I know I'm probAbly Asking Alot but it would mAke me hAppy to be Able to interAct with you guys. So thAts All for now guys. HAve A good dAy/ night.