Hi guys!
First of all, happy new month. It’s the month of love, so don’t forget to spread love everywhere you go.
Straight to the point, this is an announcement video. I know some of y’all are wondering why I haven’t updated “Almost Unfixable” in a while. Asides school and all the stress that comes with being a post graduate student, I’ve just not been able to find my flow. But I will, soon. I promise.
In the mean time, I have something for you guys. See this as me making it up to y’all. I have a short story series coming to the website Tales and Whispers titled “FRAGMENTS OF US”. Tales and Whispers is a website where you can read African short stories and series of different genres.
The first two episodes will be dropping this Friday on the site and I would really love it if you guys go in your numbers to read it. Yes, it’s a Teen Fiction story and I know for a fact that you guys are going to enjoy it big time.
All you just have to do is go to their page here on Instagram @talesnwhispers, click on the link in their bio and it will take you straight to the website. Create an account and while waiting for FRAGMENTS OF US to drop, you can engage with other African books that catch your interest.
If you aren’t following by Instagram account @iyanu_temi, this is your cue to, because I will be dropping snippets and aesthetics there to keep you guys locked in and excited for the book, and I’d really appreciate it if you guys engage. I dropped the blurb there today and I’d be dropping the character mood boards tomorrow.
This isn’t for your ears alone o, tell your friend to tell another friend and another friend.
See you guys!