
hi! as many jokes as i’ve been making about various people writing harry potter lately, we can’t just collectively divorce jkr from her work because it wouldn’t exist in the way that it does without her perception of the world. we need to acknowledge it and her for what they are, and keep that in mind as fans. love it & cherish it for being a piece of your childhood, but don’t ignore its flaws. bc just like people, you can acknowledge that there are flaws to something without loving it any less. 


hi! as many jokes as i’ve been making about various people writing harry potter lately, we can’t just collectively divorce jkr from her work because it wouldn’t exist in the way that it does without her perception of the world. we need to acknowledge it and her for what they are, and keep that in mind as fans. love it & cherish it for being a piece of your childhood, but don’t ignore its flaws. bc just like people, you can acknowledge that there are flaws to something without loving it any less. 


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the fact that i just realized that an epic wlw fantasy that i just finished binge reading at 2 am and absolutely fucking loved (read crier’s war it fuckin rocked my shit) has essentially the same plotline as a pansy parkinson fan fiction i came up with when i was thirteen is truly incredible 




hi! so i wanna say first: i stand in solidarity with blm. if you are not angry, you are not paying attention. there are dozens of bail funds to donate to and petitions to sign for those of us (like me) who can’t protest, and we all need to be active supporters and allies of the movement during this time and at all times. however, being constantly surrounded by things the way they’ve been going this year is stressful for all of us, and make sure you know that a little escapism is ok in some parts of your life. you don’t always have to be watching or listening to the news or watching live-streams of protests or keeping up with the latest on the virus. try watching movies you liked when you were a kid or goofy sitcoms that you know don’t get tragic or dramatic (personally i’ve been listening to the original cinderella soundtrack and rewatching gilmore girls for the twelfth time). it’s ok to take a break if all of your social media feed is about the protests or other heavy news. even as part of a generation who grew up constantly overwhelmed by news and the internet, it can all be a little much. make sure to take care of yourself even as you aid others. 


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so i’m a liar and i haven’t done jack shit since i redownloaded wp other than catch up on a few good fics bc lack of inspiration and school/college stress and the fact that my grades are my only personality trait have been absolutely slaughtering me — But by the end of this year!! i will publish one new thing that may be like a really shitty poem but it will be something!! and if i don’t pls unfollow me i need some sort of motivation to kick my ass into gear 


hi i’ve been gone for i don’t even know how long but i’m back for what is hopefully a fresh start? also, i’ve stopped using a pen name! i’m gonna be unpublishing everything and working on a couple new things! 


welcome back!!


hi guys! i just want to let you all know that i’m gonna be taking a break from social media for a little while for the sake of my mental health + productivity with school and everything. i’m not deleting my accounts, but i won’t be on here, instagram, snapchat, etc for a little while 


Do what’s best for you❤️