
Wow I kinda forgot this site existed... Hi  


Hey Everyone!!! I’m sorry I’ve been so quite but I feel like I should shaaaare
          Go to Markipliers stream for My Friends Place, he’s trying to get 500k to help homeless children!
          Go donate if you can, if not please please please share!! Twitter might be the hub, but we can share everywhere!


Hey everyone Merry Christmas!
          Or Happy Holidays, Hanukkah, Kwannzaa, Boxing Day, or Ōmisoka, whatever you celebrate!!
          Have happy times with family, friends, or whoever you can call home with. Remember even though the holidays are cold people still love you. Have a good time and I know I’m going to enjoy my Christmas. 
          See you later


Ok if you follow me and you love the Internet like I do
          Just plz
          Plz plz plz
          Look at this link and sign the petition for Net Neutrality 
          It's incredibly important to me and thousands of other people if you haven't signed plz do
          And plz keep this link going!! If you want repost this on your page too and notify your followers
          Spread the word!!!!!
          Thank you and have a fantabulous day