
If anyone would like to rp then we can it's been awhile since I've been here so lol just reply or dm me ig 


Yo- I'm- "back"  lmfao, Everyone here is either,not here anymore,left for good,or just completely died and gave up on this app like I did,but if you wanna rp we can, I low-key might not get your notification due to storage- lolol-


Welp uh-
          Happy new years =^=- 
          Not like people read this but I'm extremely sorry to people I stop texting or to people I rarely talk or rp to/with.. I hope you can forgive me ^^;;;


@-ExplodingLights- aw thank you! Same to you too! ^^


@Emochan-Izu Happy New Year to you too! I hope you have a wonderful year!! 


@puddingshxsei- I understand :/ I never said you must, but at the same time I'm not the ONLY ONE going half dead on Wattpad,if school was keeping YOU busy and you barely get enough time for yourself on the only long winter break YOU have,I would forgive you,but it's honestly your call,all I simply said was "I'm" and "Sorry" so I'm sorry if you do not wish to forgive me cause I'm not that interested in this app As I used to be,I'm not saying I'm Gone,gone- I may just pop in and out as always. :/ so I'm sorry if you don't like Something of what I did :/


this message may be offensive
Hey guys and other people-
          I kinda stopped posting on my Board cause literally No one replies and it's kind of a waste of time- =3=;; BUT! I'm okay- I'm alive- just barely active on this app- cause- s c h o o l ✨ and d r a m a and shit going down that's kinda personal- so if I just don't stay on this app that often- I apologize- =u=;;;


@Emochan-Izu im going to be a bad girl