
//so I'm going through all my old messages... My god I was an idiot back then.... ._.//


Kurai shook his head. "To be strong like her....you'd have to feel her pain. And thats impossible for you, silly pup."
          Spike chuckled. 'Wrong? Nothings wrong exactly. We have a mind link...." He lowered his voice. "She wants to see what Kotetsu is hiding."
          Rita reddened slight and shook her head. "N-no....." She touched his face softly. "I-It'll pass....."


@Izumo_Kotetsu__ Kurai chuckled. "With an attitude like that... you just might be. One day."
            Misa tugged on Izumo's shirt. "Uncle Zumo... how long have you known Daddy?"
            "Nuh..." Rita said softly, running her fingers over the edge of the bandage. "I'd rather die than go there."


"But I still want to be strong like mummy!" He pouted and whined slightly as he nuzzled Kurais fur softly, his eyes closing as he did so
            Izumo raised an eye brow and chuckled then nodded and watched them witha curious look. His eyes scanned them both to see if Rita had already done something to Kotetsu to do some sort of trap or something.
            Kotetsu frowned slightly but nodded and sighed, "Yeah okay... But if you start to feel bad again tell me and ill take you to the hospital..." He nuzzled her hand softly and his bandage brushed across her hand


Kurai tilted his head. "Rita was orphaned as a pup. She wasnt born into a pack. My mother Setsuna adopted her."
          As Misa and Spike left, the wolf looked back at Izumo, a wolfish smirk on his face. "I think you may be half fox Misa. They are sly little creatures."
          Rita whimpered, gripping onto Kotestu's vest. "I-It hurts..." She whined.


"But i still wanna be strong like her!" He smiled and nuzzled his shoulder blade softly, he then sneezed and giggled like a little kid.
            Kotetsu frowned and looked her up and down, he couldnt see anything that was wrong. he held her close, "Rita do you want to go to the hospital?" He leaned close to her, his hot breath tingling down her cheek to her neck.
            izumo sighed and ran after misa and spike, "You guys know whats wrong with Rita" HE was curious as to what exactly was happening to the said ninja. Was she faking or was this real? It seemed too coincidental that this was happening as they spoke about how to get it off kotetsus face.


"Yeah. I guess. Your mum grew up in a pack ya know." He said softly.
          Spike glanced at them and nudged Misa away. "I think its time we go explring." "Yay!" Misa giggled.
          Rita placed one hand over her mouth. "G-Get away..." She whimpered, falling on her knees.


He blinked then grinned and giggled as he buried his face in kurais soft black fur, "I wanna do that! Then I can be strong like mummy." He said quietly, mainly to himself.
            Kotetsu shook his head and picked her up, "Rita whats wrong?" His voice was quiet and calm as he kissed her temple softly.
            Izumos frown deepened as he watched the couple curiously, was this part of ritas plan to get kotetsus bandage off?


"Yeah." Kurai muttered. "The whole pack has roughly 50 wolves." He glanced back at Kenai curiously.
          "Sweet." Spike cheered. "So..... who are you?" "That's my Daddy silly!" Misa giggled. 
          Rita sighed. "Do I have to do everything myself...?" Her eyes suddenly widened, and she pitched foreward, clutching at her chest.